[关注社会] 关注社会:需要朋友的人人网
Renren is getting defriended. Since it listed in New York last May, the Chinese social networking site's shares have fallen by almost two-thirds. This week, it braced investors for operating loss2012-02-21 编辑:jasmine
[商业报道] 崛起的人人网:美国上市股市飙升
Long term now, where does Renren go? What's the strategy as you build your company and try and take market share?从长远来看,人人网会往什么方向发展?你在建立公司时采用了什么样的策略来占有市场2012-05-04 编辑:melody
[新闻热词] 人人公司以2000万美元出售社交网络全部资产
被许多人视为中国的“脸书”的人人公司于周三宣布,将以2000万美元的现金对价出售其全部社交网络服务业务资产。2018-11-18 编辑:max