[新闻热词] 震惊!16岁00后网上晒孕照引争议!
日前,一位怀孕少女炫耀自己大肚子的照片在社交媒体上流传开来,而她也因此在互联网上声名大噪。很多网友对此表示非常震惊,并且对中国未成年少女怀孕提出了质疑2016-05-04 编辑:max
[体育新闻] 跳水运动员任茜成为我国首位00后奥运冠军
在赢下周四进行的女子跳水10米台决赛之后,青少年跳水运动员任茜成为了里约奥运会最年轻的金牌得主。2016-08-21 编辑:max
[娱乐新闻] 零零后萌娃版《白蛇传》爆红 演技吊打小鲜肉!
近日,一群00后小朋友主演的少儿版《白蛇传》把观众萌化了。2016-10-17 编辑:max
[可可新闻脱口秀] 可可新闻脱口秀 第739期:90后被00后瞧不起?
A street interview of primary school students talking about the so-called "older generation" of those born in the 1990s has gone viral.2017-07-04 编辑:Daisy
[2018年下半年英文报] 21世纪双语新闻(MP3+字幕):"00后黑话"你了解多少?
和千禧一代不同的是,随着中国进入移动和社交媒体时代,“00后”自童年时代起便开始接触互联网。2018-10-10 编辑:Melody
[可可英语晨读] 061【朗读版】00后赋予笑脸表情包新含义,你用对了吗?
Sending Smiley Emojis? They Now Mean Different Things to Different People Generation Z has adopted new meanings, while older people stick with tradition. The result is a lot of confusing interact..2021-08-18 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 061【讲解版】00后赋予笑脸表情包新含义,你用对了吗?
Sending Smiley Emojis? They Now Mean Different Things to Different People Generation Z has adopted new meanings, while older people stick with tradition. The result is a lot of confusing interact..2021-08-18 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 308 美国“00后”是如何整顿职场的?
Gen Z Knows What It Wants From Employers. And Employers Want Them. Danielle Ross is a 26-year-old who lives in a small town in upstate New York. She describes herself as artistic and creative. Sh..2022-08-09 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 308 美国“00后”是如何整顿职场的?
Gen Z Knows What It Wants From Employers. And Employers Want Them. Danielle Ross is a 26-year-old who lives in a small town in upstate New York. She describes herself as artistic and creative. Sh..2022-08-09 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语口语] 口语232-00后职场整新活:故意犯错,培养挨骂能力?
还以为00后都在“整顿职场”?错!这批00后了已经学会“职场苟活”了。最近,一位00后在社交媒体上记录了自己在工作中故意犯错,气炸领导,从而锻炼自己挨骂能力的经过。帖子迅速走红,网友们都怀疑博主是在开玩笑,但他坚称自己是认真的,想改变自己害怕被骂的性格。这种做法,你怎么看?今天我们就来学学“整顿职场”和“被职场整顿”的相关英语表达。2023-03-10 编辑:lulu