[名人英语演讲视频] 特雷莎·梅首相给英国商会2017年年会的视频致辞(视频+文本)
For over 150 years, the British Chambers of Commerce has been an authentic voice at the heart of local business communities in every part of our country.2017-03-31 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 特雷莎·梅首相在英国保守党2017春季年会论坛上的演讲(视频+文本)
It's good to be here in Cardiff today for our Spring Forum and Welsh Conference.2017-04-06 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 特雷莎·梅首相就'英国方案'发表视频致辞(视频+文本)
The Government I lead faces an important task as we negotiate our departure from the European Union.2017-04-07 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 特雷莎·梅首相在英国议会就伦敦恐怖袭击事件发表的讲话(视频+文本)
Mr. Speaker, yesterday, an act of terrorism tried to silence our democracy.2017-04-10 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 特雷莎·梅首相在英国国际发展部的演讲(视频+文本)
It is very good to be with you here today, and particularly to be able to thank you all for the work that you do on behalf of the government and on behalf of the British people.2017-04-17 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 特雷莎·梅首相就启动《里斯本条约》第50条发表的讲话(视频+文本)
Today is one of the most significant in the recent history of our nation.2017-04-19 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 特蕾莎·梅首相2017年复活节致辞(视频+文本)
Easter is a moment to reflect and an important time for Christians and others to gather together with families and friends.2017-05-02 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 特雷莎·梅首相2017年锡克教光明节致辞(视频+文本)
I send my best wishes to everyone in Britain and around the world celebrating Vaisakhi, one of the most important dates in the Sikh calendar and a time when families and friends come together to com..2017-05-08 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 特雷莎·梅首相宣布将于6月8日提前举行大选(视频+文本)
I have just chaired a meeting of the cabinet, where we agreed that the government should call a general election – to be held on the 8th of June.2017-05-10 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 特雷莎·梅首相就曼彻斯特恐袭发表的声明(视频+文本)
I have just chaired a meeting of the government's emergency committee COBR, where we discussed the details of – and the response to – the appalling events in Manchester last night.2017-06-01 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 特雷莎·梅首相就曼彻斯特恐袭再次发表声明(视频+文本)
I have just chaired another meeting of COBR, where we again discussed the callous and cowardly terrorist attack in Manchester last night, and the operational response from the security service, the ..2017-06-02 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 特雷莎·梅首相就伦敦恐怖袭击事件发表声明(视频+文本)
Last night, our country fell victim to a brutal terrorist attack once again. As a result, I have just chaired a meeting of the government's emergency committee and I want to update you with the ..2017-06-16 编辑:max
[时事新闻] 大选失利 近半数英国人希望特雷莎·梅辞职
英国大选后进行的一项民调显示,近半英国人认为首相特雷莎·梅应当离职2017-06-24 编辑:max