[科技新闻] 传说iphone7下个月发售 无线耳机+酷炫蓝紫色
距iPhone 7发售只有一个月左右时间,苹果这款最新的旗舰产品谣传四起、令人心生期待。之前已经报导了电池容量更大、存储量2016-08-11 编辑:shaun
[欧美创意广告] 苹果无线耳机浪漫广告 一起摇摆
在这支最新广告里,苹果公司却展示了无线耳机能带来的自由和浪漫(其实是音乐的魔力)。当耳边响起Sam Smith的《Palace》,再庸常的街道都变成了女孩的舞台。2018-10-15 编辑:max
[经济新闻] LV首次推出了无线耳机,这是要进军音频市场?
耳塞式耳机有四种颜色可供选择 - 引人注目的红色,简约而时尚的黑色,经典白色,黄色和蓝色LV条纹色 - 一次充电保证三个半小时的续航时间。零售价为995美元。2019-01-27 编辑:alice
[经济新闻] LV开始卖无线耳机,价格和外形被疯狂吐槽
两者都配备有专门定制的10毫米高性能铍金属引擎,也都具备3.5小时的持续回放功能。2019-02-13 编辑:alice
[大千世界] 你会花60美元给苹果的无线耳机配绳套吗?
有零售商在出售用于苹果无线耳机Airpods的绳套,其售价为60美元。2019-12-26 编辑:Kelly
[可可英语晨读] 131【朗读版】无线耳机不香了?有线耳机成时尚宠儿
Are AirPods Out? Why Cool Kids Are Wearing Wired Headphones Everyone wears AirPods these days…right? Since Apple launched the Bluetooth-enabled headphones in 2016, they’ve become an inescapable f..2021-11-24 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 131【讲解版】无线耳机不香了?有线耳机成时尚宠儿
Are AirPods Out? Why Cool Kids Are Wearing Wired Headphones Everyone wears AirPods these days…right? Since Apple launched the Bluetooth-enabled headphones in 2016, they’ve become an inescapable f..2021-11-24 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 131【讲解版】无线耳机不香了?有线耳机成时尚宠儿
Are AirPods Out? Why Cool Kids Are Wearing Wired Headphones Everyone wears AirPods these days…right? Since Apple launched the Bluetooth-enabled headphones in 2016, they’ve become an inescapable f..2023-07-13 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 131【朗读版】无线耳机不香了?有线耳机成时尚宠儿
Are AirPods Out? Why Cool Kids Are Wearing Wired Headphones Everyone wears AirPods these days…right? Since Apple launched the Bluetooth-enabled headphones in 2016, they’ve become an inescapable f..2023-07-13 编辑:kekechendu