[早安英文] 第1271期:魔力红主唱用出轨对象名字给三胎取名?「出轨」用英文咋说?
The husband and wife finally clear the air.2022-10-11 编辑:sophie
[早安英文] 第1272期:What's eating you?谁把你吃了?别整得这么吓人!真正
He realized his mistake and had to eat humble pie.2022-10-12 编辑:sophie
[早安英文] 第1273期:因「变形计」走红的她,如今三婚三离带一娃,网友:收手吧!
She remarried her first husband.2022-10-13 编辑:sophie
[早安英文] 第1274期:和老妈同框火爆Tik Tok,网友:有其母必有其女!
Like mother, like daughter.2022-10-14 编辑:sophie
[早安英文] 第1275期:Party A 和 Party B 可不是派对A派对B!这里的 party
It has brought profound suffering to the parties and their families.2022-10-17 编辑:sophie
[早安英文] 第1276期:北京地铁是 subway,上海地铁却用 metro,这是为啥呀?!
I always travel by underground.2022-10-18 编辑:sophie
[早安英文] 第1277期:科比遗孀晒接吻照被群嘲?网友:mind your own business!
She's such a busybody.2022-10-19 编辑:sophie
[早安英文] 第1278期:《鱿鱼游戏》斩获14项艾美奖提名!「提名」可不是 mention name
In total, Squid Game was nominated for 14 Emmy awards.2022-10-20 编辑:sophie
[早安英文] 第1279期:“中学”还在说 middle school ?错啦!十几年英语白学了
Her youngest child is at nursery now.2022-10-21 编辑:sophie
[早安英文] 第1280期:失望还只会说 upset?7种「失望」的英文速速码起来!
Eventually, driven to despair, they threw themselves out of the window.2022-10-24 编辑:sophie
[早安英文] 第1281期:酸甜苦辣麻嫩脆!史上最全口味英文,都在这里了!
The meat was too chewy.2022-10-25 编辑:sophie
[早安英文] 第1282期:smoke 除了表示抽烟,还能怎么用?教你7种有关「smoke」的表达
He smokes heavily and it's really hard for him to quit smoking.2022-10-26 编辑:sophie
[早安英文] 第1283期:酒量小、酒量好用英语咋说?今天教你10种有关「酒量」的表达
「小酌怡情」英语怎么说?2022-10-27 编辑:sophie
[早安英文] 第1284期:谈论天气冷还只会 cold?那可太尴尬了,这些高级话术快码住!
cold snap 寒潮2022-10-28 编辑:sophie
[早安英文] 第1285期:体检、量体温、开药、吃药的英文你会几个?快码住!
take a pill 吃药;让别人冷静2022-10-31 编辑:sophie
[早安英文] 第1286期:footballer's wife =足球运动员的老婆?错啦!这可不
She's a footballer's wife. She never has to do the housework.2022-11-01 编辑:sophie
[早安英文] 第1287期:scumbag可和包没一点关系!常用来形容这类令人发指的人
He's a total scumbag.2022-11-02 编辑:sophie
[早安英文] 第1288期:“重要”还只会 important ?快别这么说啦,6种高级表达快码住!
In many regions, education is the top priority.2022-11-03 编辑:sophie
[早安英文] 第1289期:老外常说的:Say cheese 可不是说芝士!这种事情每个人都做过
You said it.2022-11-04 编辑:sophie
[早安英文] 第1290期:hardworking 和 work hard 还在傻傻分不清?!教你一秒区
Everyone knows him as a hardworking young man.2022-11-07 编辑:sophie