[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1194期:无私地去爱, 才真正的光鲜亮丽
No one is truly beautiful till they learn to love unselfishly. And those who receive such love are the richest people of all.2021-08-18 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1196期:梦想不仅在于实现
Coming true is not the only purpose of a dream. Its most important purpose is to get us in touch with where dreams come from, where passion comes from, where happiness comes from.2021-08-20 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1190期:你想知道五年后将会发生什么吗?
Now if you wanna know what's gonna happen in five years, you don't look at the mainstream. You look at the fringe.2021-08-12 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1192期:我坚不可摧, 一无所失, 放马过来吧!
I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose Fire away, fire away Ricochet, you take your aim Fire away, fire away2021-08-16 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1189期:合伙船, 要么渐行渐远, 要么驶向"共识"
Sometimes in business, partner ships will sail in two different directions. So you two need to find out if you're gonna continue to sail apart or if you're gonna change course and reconvene ..2021-08-11 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1193期:2000多年前的奥林匹克就已经是国际化运动会了!
Starting in 776 BC, events would take place in this very arena. That would give mortals a shot at immortality and unite the Greeks in the process.2021-08-17 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1195期:学而不思则罔, 思而不学则殆
Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous. -Confucius2021-08-19 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1197期:一切尽在不言中
More than words Is all you have to do to make it real Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me Cos I'd already know.2021-08-23 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1198期:当习惯了特权, 平等就像是压迫
When you're used to privilege, equality feels like oppression.2021-08-24 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1199期:我们一生中没那么多可关心的事, 遇到了就要把握住
Every day you wake up and there'll be less of you. You live your life for them and they don't even see you. You don't even see yourself. We don't get a lot of things to really care a..2021-08-25 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1200期:七夕节——中国的情人节
The Double Seventh Festival is called Chinese Valentine's Day and becomes popular among both the traditional elder generation and the young people in life.2021-08-26 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1202期:与其难过, 不如开心起来
Instead of feeling bad, be glad. You've got somewhere to go. Instead of feeling sad, be happy. You're not on your own.2021-08-30 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1201期:做到这几点, 你会越来越幸运
If you're willing to take some risks, if you're willing to really go out and show appreciation and you're willing to really look at ideas, even if they're crazy, through the lens of ..2021-08-27 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1204期:保持理性, 不要因为糟糕的决定失去珍贵的东西
Our brains so hate the idea of losing something that's valuable to us that we abandon all rational thought, and we make some really poor decisions.2021-09-01 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1205期:人无远虑, 必有近忧
If a man takes no thought about what is distant, he will find sorrow near at hand.2021-09-02 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1203期:时间变迁, 一个微不足道的变化常能铸就天翻地覆的差异
Time is fickle. The slightest alteration in events can lead to massively different outcomes in the time continuum.2021-08-31 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1206期:想帮助TA渡过困境? Just be there.
A lot of the time, simply being present and offering support and encouragement is really gonna be important when you're trying to support someone else through their grief.2021-09-03 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1207期:Super Idol的笑容都没你的甜
Super idol's biggest smile's nothing next to you. When you're shining like the sun in the midday hue, You've got nothing left to prove to me. Cos you're perfect in every way.2021-09-06 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1208期:愤怒正如强烈的香料,过多会让人麻木
Anger is a potent spice. A pinch wakes you up, too much dulls your senses.2021-09-07 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1209期:也许,我们是因为身边的人才成为现在的自己
Maybe we are the way we are because of the people we're with. Or maybe we just pick the people we need. However it works, when you find each other, you should never let go.2021-09-08 编辑:Villa