[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1554期: 这首歌献给你
Here's to the hearts that you're gonna break. Here's to the lives that you're gonna change. Here's to the infinite possible ways to love you.2023-02-06 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1547期: 没有人是一座孤岛
Any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind. And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.2023-01-28 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1548期: 沁园春·长沙
When, students in the flower of our age, Our spirit bright was at its height, Full of the scholar's noble rage, We criticized with all our might.2023-01-29 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1549期: 有些梦想很大,有些很小,有些随风消散,不再想起
Some dreams are big. Some dreams are small. Some dreams are carried away on the wind and never dreamed at all.2023-01-30 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1555期: 路虽远,行则将至;事虽难,做则必成
Long as the journey is, we will reach our destination if we stay the course; difficult as the task is, we will get the job done if we keep working at it.2023-02-07 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1556期: 不知终将归于何处,也无法知道所做的选择会有何影响。但至少我们还有得选
Since we can't know our ultimate futures, we also can't know how our choices will affect them. What matters is that we still get to choose.2023-02-08 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1557期: 不停地吃啊吃,也填补不了你内心的空虚!
You can eat and eat and eat, but nothing will ever fill that void.2023-02-09 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1558期: 想在一段关系中获得快乐,离不开这个关键
If you can't be happy in your own body, if you can't be happy in your own life, then it's very hard to be happy in a relationship.2023-02-10 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1559期: 我需要有人能治愈我、懂得我、陪伴我、珍惜我
I need somebody to heal, somebody to know, Somebody to have, somebody to hold. It's easy to say but it's never the same. I guess I kinda liked the way you numbed all the pain.2023-02-13 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1560期: 不必为过去闷闷不乐,也不必为将来眉头紧锁,活在当下就好
Don't get all sad-faced about what happened and scrunchy-faced about what could. Just be here now.2023-02-14 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1562期: 如果你每天都想多看到些东西,那就走慢点
The better way if you want to see more stuff every day, just go slow.2023-02-16 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1561期: 或许你的能力有限,但你的坚持能够为你提供无限可能
You might be limited in your ability, but you're unlimited in your persistence.2023-02-15 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1563期: 如果你发现自己事事不顺,记住,飞机都是逆风,而非顺风起飞
When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.2023-02-17 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1564期: 只要有你相伴,我就无处想去
We're a thousand miles from comfort. We have traveled land and sea. But as long as you are with me, there's no place I'd rather be.2023-02-20 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1565期: 你的新年愿望是什么?
New Year's resolution: Drink less and quit smoking. And keep New Year's resolutions. And stop talking total nonsense to strangers.2023-02-21 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1566期: 安妮·海瑟薇:当你开始爱自己,就不会在意别人的眼光
If you don't love yourself, when someone else says horrible things to you, part of you is always gonna believe them.2023-02-22 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1567期: 举头望明月,低头思故乡
Looking up, I find the moon bright; Bowing, in homesickness I'm drowned.2023-02-23 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1568期: 莫等闲、白了少年头,空悲切
To dust is gone the fame achieved in thirty years; Like cloud-veiled moon the thousand-mile Plain disappears. Should youthful heads in vain turn grey, We would regret for aye.2023-02-24 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1571期: 逆境中盛开的花最珍贵,也最美丽
The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all.2023-03-01 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1572期: 元宵节之后,游子们即将惜别团聚,满怀乡思,再次踏上新一年的征程
Lantern Festival is the last day of Chinese New Year celebrations. For those working or studying away from home, it is time to bid farewell to their families, and set out on a journey in a brand new..2023-03-02 编辑:Villa