[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1651期: 努力工作吧!工作能拯救你,工作能帮你度过艰难时刻
Work hard. Work will save you. Work is the only thing that will see you through this.2023-06-26 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1654期: 林子祥《敢爱敢做》英文原版:没有什么能够阻挡我们!
And we can build this dream together. Standing strong forever, Nothing's gonna stop us now. And if this world runs out of lovers, We'll still have each other. Nothing's gonna stop us.2023-06-29 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1655期: Peter Pan说得对,长大就是种浪费
I guess Peter Pan was right. Growing up’s a waste of time. So I think I’ll fly away. Set a course for brighter days.2023-06-30 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1656期: 你的儿女,其实不是你的儿女。他们是生命对于自身渴望而诞生的孩子
Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. They come through you but not from you, And though they are with you yet they belong not to ..2023-07-03 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1657期: 人都会犯错,也因此铅笔头上会有橡皮
People make mistakes. It's why they put rubbers on the ends of pencils.2023-07-04 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1658期: 杨紫琼哈佛毕业演讲:遇到挫折时,最安全的做法是保持冷静
When falling, the tendency is to tighten up, to brace for impact. But in truth, the safest thing one can do is remain calm, even curious, about the shifting world around you.2023-07-05 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1659期: 只是因为在人群中多看了你一眼
When will I see you again? When will the sky start to rain? When will the stars start to shine? When will I know that you're mine?2023-07-06 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1661期: 比尔·盖茨毕业典礼演讲:开启下一段人生之前,好好休息一下吧!
Before you begin the next stage of your lives, take a moment and have some fun.2023-07-10 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1660期: 励志演讲家开解自毁倾向男孩:给自己多一点时间与爱护,你终会找到你生命的意义
If you give yourself just a little bit of time, and if you'll be a little more loving to yourself, I think you're gonna find you've got a lot to give.2023-07-07 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1663期: 耐心点,花开有期,花期不同
At times, you will feel like an outcast, that you don't fit in. But you will discover that being your own clique will be your strongest attribute.2023-07-12 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1664期: 上辈子我一定做了足够多善事,此世才能有你做我的孩子
With all that I've done wrong, I must have done something right. To deserve her love every morning, And butterfly kisses at night.2023-07-13 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1665期: 我们的生命,不仅仅属于自己。从出生到死去,我们都与他人息息相关
Our lives are not our own. From womb to tomb, we are bound to others. Past and present. And by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future.2023-07-14 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1666期: 吴彦祖谈人生:终点并不重要,重要的是这段经历是否丰富了你的人生
Your destination may not be important. It's about what that experience is along the way, and how that enriches you as a human being.2023-07-15 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1667期: 再差的生活,也值得过下去
Even when life gets bad, people generally choose it over nothing. Even the worst versions of life, even a shitty shitty life is worth living.2023-07-18 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1668期: 假如生活欺骗了你,不要悲伤,不要心急!
If by life you were deceived, Don't be dismal, don't be wild! In the day of grief, be mild.2023-07-19 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1669期: Over the Rainbow
Somewhere over the rainbow, Way up high. There's a land that I heard of Once in a lullaby.2023-07-20 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1670期: 有时,我们最记不得的人,给我们的印象却最深
It's funny how sometimes the people we remember the least make the greatest impression on us.2023-07-21 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1662期: 成年人的生活里没有“容易”二字
Do you know that the harder thing to do and the right thing to do are usually the same thing? Nothing that has meaning is easy. "Easy" doesn't enter into grown-up life.2023-07-11 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1671期: 一堂生动有趣的哲学课:学会放下压力吧,它们本可以不那么沉重
The stresses and the worries of life are like this glass of water. If you think about them for a little while, there's no problem. If you think about them all day long, and you'll feel paral..2023-07-24 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1672期: 卓越的技能都需要持久的练习才能获得
No excellence can be acquired without constant practice.2023-07-25 编辑:Villa