[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1811期: 不念过往,不畏将来,活在当下
If you're sad, then your mind is in the past. If you're anxious, your mind will be in the future. But if you're peaceful and if you're still, your mind is in the present moment.2024-02-18 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1812期: 不念过往,不畏将来,活在当下
It's cool. That's what I tell 'em. No rules in breakable heaven. But ooh, whoa oh. It's a cruel summer With you.2024-02-19 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1813期: 衡量我们生命意义的唯一方式,在于我们如何对待他人的生命
The only way that we can measure the significance of our own lives is by valuing the lives of others.2024-02-20 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1814期: 责人者远,责己者半,不责者达
The man who blames others has a long way in his journey to go. The man who blames himself is halfway there. And the man who blames no one has already arrived.2024-02-21 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1815期: 想和平共处的唯一方法,就是要看你是否已经准备好了原谅
The only way anyone can live in peace is if they're prepared to forgive.2024-02-22 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1816期: 李小龙:水至柔,但滴水穿石
Water is the softest substance in the world, yet it can penetrate the hardest rock.2024-02-23 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1817期: 艾伦秀主持人获奖演讲:融入没有做自己重要
Being unique is very important. Fitting in is not really all that matters as being unique and being who you are.2024-02-26 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1818期: 任何行动都比无所作为强,尤其当你长时间处于低落时
Any action is often better than no action, especially if you have been stuck in an unhappy situation for a long time.2024-02-27 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1819期: 击败你的,恰恰是你未曾预料到的
It's the punch you don't see coming that knocks you out.2024-02-28 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1820期: 也有过心情很糟的时候,但紧接着我会想起自己笑起来多好看
I mean, sure, I have my bad days, but then I remember what a cute smile I have.2024-02-29 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1821期: 别让任何人打乱你的人生节奏。余生漫长,莫要慌张
Getting your degree after 25 is still an achievement. Not being married at 30 but still happy is beautiful. Starting a family after 35 is still possible. And buying a house after 40 is still grea..2024-03-01 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1822期: 穿过苍茫黑夜,我们已不再畏惧
Through the blurry darkness, Who's veiling on the twilight? We've been far away from my fears.2024-03-04 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1823期: 全然爱一个人而期待TA也爱我,是错误的。那爱属于我,爱在我心里
Giving all my love to another person in the hope that I'd get love back was a mistake. (I learned) That the love always belonged to me, that love was always in me.2024-03-05 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1824期: 立春——春回大地,万物复苏
Lichun, or the beginning of Spring as it is known, is the first of the 24 Solar Terms. It marks the starting point on the wheel of the four seasons, when the world is all revived.2024-03-06 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1825期: 家不仅是栖身之所,更是温暖港湾
It's a good idea to contemplate what homefulness means because it makes you appreciate it even more. For me, it's more than a roof over your head. It's home and hearth.2024-03-07 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1826期: 心灵导师露易丝·海:积极的想法会吸引美好的事物到来
If you think a negative thought, you're gonna go on a downward spiral. If you think a positive thought, you'll attract wonderful things to you.2024-03-08 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1827期: 丘吉尔:所谓成功,不过是不停地经历挫折,但始终保持热情
Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. —Winston Churchill2024-03-11 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1828期: 当你发现一切都不重要的时候,整个宇宙都是你的
When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours.2024-03-12 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1829期: 梅姨朗诵唐诗《鹿柴》:空山不见人,但闻人语响
Alone on a misty mountain, I come to a clearing. Sunlight on green moss, I am not alone.2024-03-13 编辑:Villa
[跟着Gwen学英语-每日早读] 第1830期: 无论我飞到哪里,我知道你会在我身边
I hold your laughter safe inside my mind. Sweet moments captured so I can rewind. I'll always have them so anywhere I fly, I know you'll be by my side.2024-03-14 编辑:Villa