[TED-Ed教育演讲] 你应该改用太阳能吗
Should you switch to solar2024-11-21 编辑:sophie
[TED-Ed教育演讲] 是什么导致了卢旺达大屠杀
What caused the Rwandan Genocide2024-11-25 编辑:sophie
[TED-Ed教育演讲] 重力对压力——形成宇宙的战争
Gravity vs. Pressure- The battle that formed the universe2024-11-28 编辑:sophie
[TED-Ed教育演讲] 巨齿鲨为什么会灭绝?
Why did Megalodon go extinct?2024-12-02 编辑:sophie
[TED-Ed教育演讲] 你能解开时间旅行车的谜题吗
Can you solve the time traveling car riddle2024-12-05 编辑:sophie
[TED-Ed教育演讲] 其他动物能理解死亡吗
Can other animals understand death2024-12-09 编辑:sophie
[TED-Ed教育演讲] 地核发生了什么
What's happening to Earth's core2024-12-13 编辑:sophie
[TED-Ed教育演讲] 历史上最危险的神话之一
One of history's most dangerous myths2024-12-17 编辑:sophie
[TED-Ed教育演讲] 意大利雇佣兵的兴衰
At dawn on July 29th, 1364, John Hawkwood2024-12-20 编辑:sophie
[TED-Ed教育演讲] 在你相信某件事之前要问自己三个问题
3 questions to ask yourself before you believe something2024-12-24 编辑:sophie
[TED-Ed教育演讲] 如何进入心流状态
How to enter flow state2024-12-26 编辑:sophie
[TED-Ed教育演讲] 当小丑有多危险
How dangerous was it to be a jester2025-01-06 编辑:sophie
[TED-Ed教育演讲] 为什么你的手机电池越用越差
Why your phone battery gets worse over time2025-01-18 编辑:sophie
[TED-Ed教育演讲] 如果你不把手机调到飞行模式会发生什么
What happens if you don’t put your phone in airplane mode2025-01-20 编辑:sophie
[TED-Ed教育演讲] 为什么大家都在争夺这些微小的太空点
Why is everyone fighting over these tiny spots of space2025-01-23 编辑:sophie
[TED-Ed教育演讲] 你冲的水是怎么变成你喝的水的
How the water you flush becomes the water you drink2025-02-13 编辑:sophie
[TED-Ed教育演讲] 一个有5300年历史的谋杀之谜
A 5,300-year-old murder mystery2025-02-17 编辑:sophie
[TED-Ed教育演讲] 植物肉真的更适合你吗
Is plant-based meat actually better for you2025-02-20 编辑:sophie
[TED-Ed教育演讲] 短吻鳄能在这种顶级掠食者面前存活下来吗
Is plant-based meat actually better for you2025-02-21 编辑:sophie
[TED-Ed教育演讲] 唯一能阻止水母占领的东西
Over the past two decades, jellyfish have begun to overwhelm our oceans.2025-02-25 编辑:sophie