[时事新闻] 梁振英当选香港新特首 承诺要做亲民特首
Leung Chun-ying, former convenor of the Non-Official Members of the Executive Council of Hong Kong, was officially declared the winner of the election of the fourth-term Chief Executive of the Hong K2012-03-28 编辑:jasmine
[2014年11月AP News] AP News一分钟新闻:香港特首辞职待定 Ebola病毒传染
A Texas health care worker tested positive for Ebola even though she wore full-protective gear while caring for Thomas Eric Duncan who died from the virus.2014-11-05 编辑:alice
[新闻热词] 国家主席习近平会见新任香港特首林郑月娥
国家主席习近平于上周四在中南海瀛台会见了香港特别行政区新任行政长官林郑月娥。2017-04-20 编辑:max
[热点资讯传送门] 李家超当选香港特首人选
在周日获得了香港选举委员会超过750名成员的支持后,李家超成功当选了下任香港特别行政区行政长官。2022-05-09 编辑:max