[洪恩环境英语第七册] 洪恩环境英语第七册练习 Review One
Review One.For this lesson,you'll need a pencil and a piece of paper.Jake telephones his friend Marion,a travel agent.He realizes he'll need hotel reservations for him and Mike in Dallas.List2012-04-19 编辑:Ukki
[洪恩环境英语第七册] 洪恩环境英语第七册练习 Lesson 12
Lesson Twelve.Remember what Maria said about some of her earlier vacations.Have you ever visited Colorado?Yes.I've kayaked on the Colorado River,and I've camped in the Rocky Mountains many ti2012-04-19 编辑:Ukki
[洪恩环境英语第七册] 洪恩环境英语第七册练习 Lesson 11
Lesson Eleven.For this lesson,you'll need a pencil and a piece of paper.Remember what Connie and Mike said about vacations.Have you ever taken a vacation at Christmas?Sure.I've taken vactios2012-04-19 编辑:Ukki
[洪恩环境英语第七册] 洪恩环境英语第七册练习 Lesson 10
Lesson Ten.Steven and Mike are in the studio.They're getting ready to leave.Listen.Are you ready,Steven?It's almost noon.Hang on.I have one more phone call to make.Hang on is an idiomatic exp2012-04-19 编辑:Ukki
[洪恩环境英语第七册] 洪恩环境英语第七册练习 Lesson 9
Lesson Nine.Remember what Maria and Steven said about his visit to the doctor's office.Hello...Steven,where have you been?I've been at the doctor's office.At the doctor's office?You2012-04-19 编辑:Ukki
[洪恩环境英语第七册] 洪恩环境英语第七册练习 Lesson 8
Lesson Eight.Maria and Mike are at the studio.In the conversation Maria tells Mie that everyone is..what?Is everyone happy?Is everyone good?What does Maria think everyone is?Now listen to their conve2012-04-19 编辑:Ukki
[洪恩环境英语第七册] 洪恩环境英语第七册练习 Lesson 7
Lesson Seven.For this lesson,you'll need a pencil and a piece of paper.Mike and Steven are doing a story about fast food.Listen to their conversation.Are you ready to go?Almost.I'm glad you2012-04-19 编辑:Ukki
[洪恩环境英语第七册] 洪恩环境英语第七册练习 Lesson 6
Lesson Six.Listen to the following conversation between two friends who work in the same office.Hi,Nancy.Did you hear what happened to my son?His name was spelled wrong on his high school diploma!Oh,2012-04-19 编辑:Ukki
[洪恩环境英语第七册] 洪恩环境英语第七册练习 Lesson 5
Lesson Five.Listen to the conversation between Connie and some students at Stamford High.What interests you?I'm interested in,um,art.Painting in particular,impressionist painting.I'm interest2012-04-19 编辑:Ukki
[洪恩环境英语第七册] 洪恩环境英语第七册练习 Lesson 4
Book Seven,Lesson FourConnie and Maria are in the office.Listen to their conversation.Jake did very well. Yes.He did very well.He's already a good host.I think Jake is becoming a much better repo2012-04-19 编辑:Ukki
[洪恩环境英语第七册] 洪恩环境英语第七册练习 Lesson 3
Lesson Three.Listen to this conversation between a travel agent and his customer.Hello.Prospect Travel,Robin speaking.Hello.I want to make a rservation.I plan to go to Boston in March.And T'd lik2012-04-19 编辑:Ukki
[洪恩环境英语第七册] 洪恩环境英语第七册练习 Lesson 2
Welcome to Lesson Two.For this lesson,you'll need a pencil and a piece of paper.Remember this conversation between Jake and Mike.Mike,I found Larkin.He's staying in St.Louis tonight.He's2012-04-19 编辑:Ukki
[洪恩环境英语第七册] 洪恩环境英语第七册练习 Lesson 1
This is the first lesson:Lesson One.Listen to the converstaion between Steven Winn and Jake Seltzer.Good job,Jake.Here are some of your stories for tomorrow.Wait,Steven.I need a minute of your time.J2012-04-19 编辑:Ukki
[洪恩环境英语第九册] 洪恩环境英语第九册练习 Lesson 1
LESSON 1Let's listen to Steven as he talks about his son Peter.Peter is only two months old.Listen to Steven tell us about the things that Peter is too young to do,or that he isn't old enough2012-04-22 编辑:Ukki
[洪恩环境英语第九册] 洪恩环境英语第九册练习 Lesson 2
Welcome to Lesson.For this lesson,you'll need a pencil and a piece of paper.As you know,in English there are some things that we say we doand some things that we say we make.Let's listen to t2012-04-22 编辑:Ukki
[洪恩环境英语第八册] 洪恩环境英语第八册练习 Review Four
Review Four.For this lesson,you'll need a pencil and a piece of paper.Listen to the radio announceras he tells us about something interesting to do this weekend.Are you looking for something fun2012-04-20 编辑:Ukki
[洪恩环境英语第八册] 洪恩环境英语第八册练习 Lesson Three
Review Three.It's lunchtime.Mike and Jim are still at F.A.O.Schwarz.They're very hungry and decide to ahve lunch at a good restaurant...but which one?Listen to the conversation.Listen careful2012-04-20 编辑:Ukki
[洪恩环境英语第八册] 洪恩环境英语第八册练习 Lesson 1
Thisisthefirstlesson:LessonOne.ListentotheconverstaionbetweenStevenWinnandJakeSeltzer.Goodjob,Jake.Herearesomeofyourstoriesfortomorrow.Wait,Steven.Ineedaminuteofyourtime.Jake,I'mofftothedoctorrig2012-04-20 编辑:Ukki
[洪恩环境英语第八册] 洪恩环境英语第八册练习 Lesson 12
This is Lesson Twelve.In this lesson,you learned the names of a lot of different animals.Now listen and repeat the name of each animal that you hear.pigeon butterflyfox deerwolf goosefish eaglesheep2012-04-20 编辑:Ukki
[洪恩环境英语第八册] 洪恩环境英语第八册练习 Lesson Two
Review Tow.For this lesson,you'll need a pencil and a piece of paper.Some people are interested in archaeology,but they aren't professional archaeologists.They're amateurs.Listen as Jake2012-04-20 编辑:Ukki