[他她话题] 求生技能:如何从被困水中的车里逃生
Any car accident is frightening, but an accident in which your vehicle is thrown into the water, with you trapped inside, is absolutely terrifying. Such accidents are particularly dangerous due to th2012-07-24 编辑:justxrh
[时事新闻] 北京一车主溺亡 车内逃生工具热卖
A fatal tale of drowning in Beijing has caused a surge in the sale of survival tools online, as many residents feared a repeat of the weekend's downpour. 2012年7月21日,救援人员和民众将一辆被2012-07-27 编辑:justxrh
[CCTV9] 地震逃生技巧引发热切关注
地震逃生技巧引发热切关注 CCTV-9 视频 地震 逃生 技巧 引发 热切 关注2013-04-23 编辑:mike
[远大前程] 有声读物《远大前程》 第83期:第17章 匹普死里逃生(1)
而逃犯的妻子刚生下了他们的女儿艾斯黛拉,逃犯的妻子因为一起杀人罪被起诉,郝维辛小姐的律师帮助她摆脱了牢狱之灾2014-04-15 编辑:mike
[远大前程] 有声读物《远大前程》 第84期:第17章 匹普死里逃生(2)
小船被接到乡绅线报的边防警察扣留,赫伯斯和船夫顺利逃走,而皮普和逃犯一起被抓回监狱。2014-04-16 编辑:mike
[远大前程] 有声读物《远大前程》 第85期:第17章 匹普死里逃生(3)
在快要离开国境的时候,小船被接到乡绅线报的边防警察扣留,赫伯斯和船夫顺利逃走,而皮普和逃犯一起被抓回监狱。2014-04-17 编辑:mike
[英语小游戏] 紧急逃生舱英语小游戏
紧急逃生舱英语小游戏2014-06-06 编辑:kekenet
[关注社会] 尼斯袭击现场 路上的人完全没有机会逃生
法国尼斯——一辆闪着灯的红色救护车呼啸而过,猛然停了下来。司机跳下车问,“受伤的在哪?”2016-07-18 编辑:shaun
[诱拐] 有声读物《诱拐》第15期:在石南丛中逃生(3)
So that night we started our long journey to the Lowlands.Sometimes we walked, and sometimes we ran. But although we travelled as fast as we could,daylight began to appear before we had found a g2012-03-30 编辑:Wendy
[诱拐] 有声读物《诱拐》第17期:在石南丛中逃生(5)
We travelled by night, through endless rain and strong winds, and slept in the wet heather by day. I was feeling more and more miserable.My illness had returned, and I was beginning to think tha2012-04-01 编辑:Wendy