[科技资讯] 每日新闻一分钟:Apple AirPods 2 可能会变身成健康追踪器?
苹果公司为其新一代AirPods申请专利,这对小小的无线耳机可能会升级成为一个健康追踪器。2017-07-10 编辑:Ceciliya
[科技资讯] 每日新闻一分钟:苹果发布全新版的AirPods
苹果最近发布了全新版的AirPods,许多人都说它看上去与第一版颇为相似。2019-03-21 编辑:villa
[经济新闻] 亚马逊要效仿苹果推出AirPods
亚马逊要为自家的Alexa(语音助手)制造AirPods耳机了。2019-04-16 编辑:alice
[欧美创意广告] 苹果AirPods创意广告 弹力十足
在广告中,我们看到在主角戴上耳机后,慢慢随着 I Learnt Some Jazz Today的BGM舞动,随即城市各个角落都变得“弹力十足”,就像一张超级蹦床,舞者在城市中任意蹦跳,无拘无束。虽然这样的效果部分由CGI技术合成,但是大部分镜头都是实景拍摄,不过城市弹力十足的想法非常有创意,戴上耳机,世界就属于你。2019-08-26 编辑:max
[可可英语晨读] 131【朗读版】无线耳机不香了?有线耳机成时尚宠儿
Are AirPods Out? Why Cool Kids Are Wearing Wired Headphones Everyone wears AirPods these days…right? Since Apple launched the Bluetooth-enabled headphones in 2016, they’ve become an inescapable f..2021-11-24 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 131【讲解版】无线耳机不香了?有线耳机成时尚宠儿
Are AirPods Out? Why Cool Kids Are Wearing Wired Headphones Everyone wears AirPods these days…right? Since Apple launched the Bluetooth-enabled headphones in 2016, they’ve become an inescapable f..2021-11-24 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 131【讲解版】无线耳机不香了?有线耳机成时尚宠儿
Are AirPods Out? Why Cool Kids Are Wearing Wired Headphones Everyone wears AirPods these days…right? Since Apple launched the Bluetooth-enabled headphones in 2016, they’ve become an inescapable f..2023-07-13 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 131【朗读版】无线耳机不香了?有线耳机成时尚宠儿
Are AirPods Out? Why Cool Kids Are Wearing Wired Headphones Everyone wears AirPods these days…right? Since Apple launched the Bluetooth-enabled headphones in 2016, they’ve become an inescapable f..2023-07-13 编辑:kekechendu