[世界新闻头条] 英国网球运动员安迪·穆雷即将退役
去年做完髋关节手术的英国网球运动员安迪·穆雷(Andy Murray)表示 下周的澳大利亚网球公开赛可能是他参加的最后一场比赛2019-01-11 编辑:Daisy
[世界新闻头条] 特朗普被指为俄罗斯效力
特蕾莎·梅警告 如果议会成员在周二的重要投票中否决了她的脱欧协议2019-01-15 编辑:Daisy
[世界新闻头条] 英保守党政府面临不信任动议
昨天 在议会上遭遇了提议的脱欧协议的惨痛失败后 英国的保守党政府可能面临不信任动议2019-01-16 编辑:Daisy
[世界新闻头条] 金特峰会将再次举行
President Trump will hold a second summit with the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un near the end of February.2019-01-21 编辑:Daisy
[世界新闻头条] 人们或看到血色月亮
Hello, this is BBC world news. I'm David Eades with the headlines. President Trump has proposed a compromise to end the longest ever US government shutdown.2019-01-22 编辑:Wendy
[世界新闻头条] 津巴布韦发生抗议活动
The president of Zimbabwe has cut short a state visit to Russia and flown home to address an economic crisis which has sparked angry protests and a brutal crackdown by his security forces2019-01-22 编辑:Wendy
[世界新闻头条] 威廉王子参加达沃斯论坛
Zimbabwe's Human Rights Commission has accused soldiers and police of the systematic torture of civilians, using "brute, excessive and disproportionate" force, causing avoidable loss of ..2019-01-23 编辑:Wendy
[世界新闻头条] 欧美力挺委反对派
Hello, I'm Karin Giannone. This is BBC world news. The headlines. The Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has responded with defiance to the US, the European Union and several Latin American cou..2019-01-25 编辑:Wendy
[世界新闻头条] 电影《黑豹》脱颖而出
The United Nations have renewed warnings about the threat of famine Yemen as the ceasfire between the government and Houthi rebels come under pressure.2019-01-31 编辑:Wendy
[世界新闻头条] 华为回应美国指控
The Chinese telecom giant Huawei has denied any wrongdoing after US prosecutors China has condemned the charges as unfair and immoral.2019-02-02 编辑:Wendy
[世界新闻头条] 巴西一大坝发生崩塌
President Donald Trump has signed a bill to fund the US government for the next three weeks2019-01-29 编辑:Wendy
[世界新闻头条] 希腊将投票决定新国名
Venezuela's opposition leader says he would consider granting amnesty to President Nicolas Maduro and his allies2019-01-28 编辑:Wendy
[世界新闻头条] 加拿大驻华大使遭解雇
after he spoke out about Canada's detention of a senior Chinese business executive at the request of the US.2019-01-30 编辑:Wendy
[世界新闻头条] 美国遭遇极寒天气
Prime Minister Theresa May is preparing to return to Brussels. Now the British Parliament has voted to send her back to try renegotiating the Brexit deal she's spent two years negotiating with t..2019-02-02 编辑:Wendy
[世界新闻头条] 97岁的菲利普王子发生车祸
菲利普王子被卷入一场车祸中 但没有受伤2019-01-18 编辑:Daisy
[世界新闻头条] 特朗普携第一夫人向老布什致敬
稍后 英国议会成员将就政府是否因未能发表对首相脱欧计划的全部法律意见而违反规则进行投票2018-12-05 编辑:Daisy
[世界新闻头条] 比利时出现24小时罢工
比利时主要运输部门工会发生24小时罢工 往返比利时的航班已被取消2019-02-13 编辑:Daisy
[世界新闻头条] 特朗普为边境墙筹资
为给边境墙筹资 特朗普总统宣布进入全国紧急状态2019-02-18 编辑:Daisy
[世界新闻头条] 巴西著名记者遇难
特朗普总统在墨西哥边境附近的德克萨斯州进行政治集会演讲2019-02-12 编辑:Daisy
[世界新闻头条] 任正非表示美国不可能击垮华为
中国科技巨头华为的创始人称美国绝不可能摧毁他的公司2019-02-20 编辑:Daisy