[夏说英语新闻晨读] 夏说英语新闻晨读(MP3+文本) 第500期:如何与狗交朋友
Using "dog-speak" is important in building a bond between a dog and their owner, scientists from the University of York have found.2018-12-04 编辑:villa
[夏说英语新闻晨读] 夏说英语新闻晨读(MP3+文本) 第501期:贝托鲁奇去世
Italian film-maker Bernardo Bertolucci, who won Oscars with "The Last Emperor"2018-12-05 编辑:villa
[夏说英语新闻晨读] 夏说英语新闻晨读(MP3+文本) 第502期:抖音制霸美国
It has been called "the Chinese lip-syncing app your kids love, but you've never heard of",2018-12-06 编辑:villa
[夏说英语新闻晨读] 夏说英语新闻晨读(MP3+文本) 第503期:Brexit 致使超级富豪逃离英国
Business Insider reports that the mega-wealthy are exiting the UK and moving to Australia and the US.2018-12-07 编辑:villa
[夏说英语新闻晨读] 夏说英语新闻晨读(MP3+文本) 第504期:哈库呐玛塔塔
In recent days angry opinion pieces have sprung up in Kenyan media over the well-known Swahili phrase "Hakuna Matata".2018-12-10 编辑:villa
[夏说英语新闻晨读] 夏说英语新闻晨读(MP3+文本) 第505期:过度加工食品易致癌
Researchers discovered that people who eat more ultra-processed foods have a higher risk of cancer.2018-12-11 编辑:villa
[夏说英语新闻晨读] 夏说英语新闻晨读(MP3+文本) 第506期:厄尔尼诺现象再现
The World Meteorological Organization says there's a 75-80% chance of a weak El Niño forming within three months.2018-12-12 编辑:villa
[夏说英语新闻晨读] 夏说英语新闻晨读(MP3+文本) 第507期:巴黎黄背心暴乱
The Eiffel Tower in Paris is to close on Saturday amid fears of further street violence from "yellow vest" anti-government protests.2018-12-13 编辑:villa
[夏说英语新闻晨读] 夏说英语新闻晨读(MP3+文本) 第508期:嫦娥四号奔月
China has launched the first mission to land a robotic craft on the far side of the Moon, Chinese media say.2018-12-14 编辑:villa
[夏说英语新闻晨读] 夏说英语新闻晨读(MP3+文本) 第509期:无人机送外卖
Google's parent company, Alphabet, will test its drone delivery service in Finland next year, it has announced.2018-12-17 编辑:villa
[夏说英语新闻晨读] 夏说英语新闻晨读(MP3+文本) 第510期:大兄dei 兄弟会了解一下?
As America's colleges send out acceptance letters this season,2018-12-18 编辑:villa
[夏说英语新闻晨读] 夏说英语新闻晨读(MP3+文本) 第511期:金球奖华裔入围
Constance Wu has scored a Golden Globe best lead actress nomination,2018-12-19 编辑:villa
[夏说英语新闻晨读] 夏说英语新闻晨读(MP3+文本) 第512期:英国退欧再陷僵局
MPs across the political divide should "abandon outrage" and attempt to "forge a consensus" over Brexit,2018-12-20 编辑:villa
[夏说英语新闻晨读] 夏说英语新闻晨读(MP3+文本) 第517期:伟大的母亲创业者
Sally Bunkham founded her online retail business nearly two years ago after the birth of her second child.2018-12-27 编辑:villa
[夏说英语新闻晨读] 夏说英语新闻晨读(MP3+文本) 第518期:吓得我都不敢拆圣诞礼物了
Jeff Bezos knows when you've been sleeping, when you're awake, and when you've been bad or good,2018-12-28 编辑:villa
[夏说英语新闻晨读] 夏说英语新闻晨读(MP3+文本) 第516期:天后演唱会上的人脸识别
A major stadium in Los Angeles has confirmed that it uses facial recognition tech during sport and music events, to spot known troublemakers.2018-12-26 编辑:villa
[夏说英语新闻晨读] 夏说英语新闻晨读(MP3+文本) 第520期:NASA的火星任务竟然被前宇航员喷?
Bill Anders, lunar module pilot of Apollo 8, the first human spaceflight to leave Earth's orbit2019-01-01 编辑:villa
[夏说英语新闻晨读] 夏说英语新闻晨读(MP3+文本) 第521期:兔子与绿萝杂交
Jeff Bezos knows when you've been sleeping, when you're awake, and when you've been bad or good,2019-01-02 编辑:villa
[夏说英语新闻晨读] 夏说英语新闻晨读(MP3+文本) 第513期:表情符号将成世界通用语?
From getting ready in the morning to the trip to the church,2018-12-21 编辑:villa
[夏说英语新闻晨读] 夏说英语新闻晨读(MP3+文本) 第514期:天王打架
In a virtuoso overnight Twitter rant, Kanye West has addressed his ongoing feud with fellow superstar Drake.2018-12-24 编辑:villa