[弗兰肯斯坦] 有声读物《弗兰肯斯坦》第18期
Chapter 10第10章 维克多·弗兰肯斯坦继续讲他的故事The monster finished telling me his story, and then he said:怪物讲完了他的故事,然后说道:"I am alone and miserable. Only someone as ugly as I am2012-05-18 编辑:Jasmine
[弗兰肯斯坦] 有声读物《弗兰肯斯坦》第24期
Chapter 13第13章After the wedding a large number of our friends came to a party at our house. When the party had started,Elizabeth and I said goodbye and left for our honeymoon.We travelled first2012-05-28 编辑:Jasmine
[弗兰肯斯坦] 有声读物《弗兰肯斯坦》第26期
Chapter 14第14章I decided to leave Geneva for ever.I took all the money that I needed,and left the town.Before I left,I went to visit the place where William,Elizabeth,and my father lay at rest.I2012-05-30 编辑:Jasmine
[弗兰肯斯坦] 有声读物《弗兰肯斯坦》第17期
Two months later, I reached Geneva. That evening I hid among some trees outside the town, and went to sleep. But I woke when a little boy ran into my hiding place. I thought I would catch the child a2012-05-17 编辑:Jasmine
[弗兰肯斯坦] 有声读物《弗兰肯斯坦》第19期
I needed to study for several months to make a woman monster successfully.I heard that an English scientist had done some useful work,so I decided to go to England.为了成功地造一个女怪物我需要几个月的2012-05-21 编辑:Jasmine
[弗兰肯斯坦] 有声读物《弗兰肯斯坦》第25期
On the bed, Elizabeth lay still, in the cold sleep of death. I took her in my arms… and saw the marks of the murderer's fingers on her neck.床上,伊丽莎白静静地躺着,在冰冷中长眠。我把她抱2012-05-29 编辑:Jasmine
[弗兰肯斯坦] 有声读物《弗兰肯斯坦》第27期
I got closer and closer to him.Then a great storm started.The ice began to break,and the sea carried him away from me.My sledge was broken,and I lost my dogs.I was left on a piece of ice that was b2012-05-31 编辑:Jasmine
[弗兰肯斯坦] 有声读物《弗兰肯斯坦》第29期
"You do not know how much pain and unhappiness I have felt,"said the monster."I knew that I was doing evil things,but I could not stop myself.Do you think I enjoyed killing people?M2012-06-04 编辑:Jasmine
[弗兰肯斯坦] 有声读物《弗兰肯斯坦》第28期
Captain Walton's note沃尔顿船长的记录Chapter 15第15章I,Captain Robert Walton,have added this final note to the story.When you have read it, you will know that Victor Frankenstein's2012-06-01 编辑:Jasmine
[CNN学生新闻] CNN热点问答 第137期:《弗兰肯斯坦》的作者是谁?
玛丽·雪莱在1818年写作了《弗兰肯斯坦》。玛丽·雪莱关于一个创造出一个怪物的科学家书,对流行文化至今还有影响。看你是否能猜出我们讲的是谁。2013-03-26 编辑:joenthi
[著名历史人物传记] 科幻小说之母玛丽·雪莱(1)
哥特式的恐怖气氛弥漫其中。一八一六年六月的一个夜晚,一场可怕的风暴在日内瓦湖上空爆发。2021-12-10 编辑:Kelly
[著名历史人物传记] 科幻小说之母玛丽·雪莱(2)
玛丽·雪莱能遇到她的丈夫完全是运气好。2021-12-17 编辑:Kelly
[著名历史人物传记] 科幻小说之母玛丽·雪莱(3)
1815年春天,坦博拉火山在今天的印度尼西亚像一颗愤怒的炸弹一样喷发了。2021-12-19 编辑:Kelly
[著名历史人物传记] 科幻小说之母玛丽·雪莱(4)
822年5月,雪莉和克莱尔夫妇与他们的朋友爱德华和简·威廉姆斯来到圣特伦佐,在狂野的意大利海岸度过夏天。2021-12-23 编辑:Kelly
[著名历史人物传记] 科幻小说之母玛丽·雪莱(5)
在多雨的保守的英格兰,雪莱唯一的安慰是《弗兰肯斯坦》比以往任何时候都更受欢迎。2021-12-24 编辑:Kelly