[备考资料] 中高级口译翻译经典词群完整版(4)
22.“精粹” / “精华” / “精髓”古典文学精髓→quintessence / cream of classical literature马克思主义精髓→pith and marrow of Marxism概括文章的精华→sum up the gist of an article取其精华,去其糟粕→s2012-04-28 编辑:melody
[词汇辅导] 中高级口译考试翻译经典词群(5)
29.“解决” 我们将进一步陆续出台解决台湾同胞关心的问题、维护台湾同胞正当权益的政策措施。 We will make further efforts to introduce policies and measures from time to time to address issues that2012-05-08 编辑:melody
[刘毅突破英文词汇22000] 刘毅词汇22000 第1期:有关Skill的词群
apprentice n. 学徒;徒弟 Young Ben franklin learned the printing trade by serving as an apprentice to his half brother James. 杨本·富兰克林借着到他同父异母的哥哥詹姆斯那里当学徒,而学会了印刷手艺。2021-01-07 编辑:echo
[刘毅突破英文词汇22000] 刘毅词汇22000 第2期:有关Poverty的词群
indigence n. 贫穷 By hard work, many Americans have raised themselves from indigence to wealth. 很多美国人借着辛勤的工作,从贫穷走向富裕。2021-01-08 编辑:Aimee
[刘毅突破英文词汇22000] 刘毅词汇22000 第4期:有关Fear的词群
craven n. 懦夫 A hero risks his life to help others; a craven runs from the scene. 英雄冒着生命危险去帮助别人;而懦夫却临阵脱逃。2021-01-10 编辑:Aimee
[刘毅突破英文词汇22000] 刘毅词汇22000 第5期:有关Courage的词群
exploit n. 功勋 Robert E. Peary won worldwide fame for his exploits as an Arctic explorer. 罗伯特·艾德文·皮瑞以他北极探险家的功勋而闻名于世。2021-01-11 编辑:Aimee
[刘毅突破英文词汇22000] 刘毅词汇22000 第6期:有关Concealment的词群
alias 1. n. 化名;别名 2. adv. 又名 Inspector Javert discovered that John Smith was not the mayor's real name but an alias for Jean Valjean, the ex-convict. 调查员杰弗特发现,约翰·史密斯不是市长真名,而是前科犯吉恩·法耶的化名。2021-01-12 编辑:Aimee
[刘毅突破英文词汇22000] 刘毅词汇22000 第7期:有关Disclosure的词群
avowal n. 公开宜称,坦白承认 The white flag of surrender is an avowal of defeat. 投降的白旗是公开宣称战败。2021-01-13 编辑:Aimee
[刘毅突破英文词汇22000] 刘毅词汇22000 第8期:有关Agreement的词群
accord n. 一致;协调 反:disagreement不合,不一致 Though we are in accord on what our goals should be, we differ on the means for achieving them. 虽然我们在目标上是一致的,但在达成的方法上却不同。2021-01-14 编辑:Aimee
[刘毅突破英文词汇22000] 刘毅词汇22000 第9期:有关Disagreement的词群
altercation n. 争吵 The teacher halted the altercation by separating the two opponents before they could come to blows. 老师在敌对的双方未互殴前拉开他们,阻止了争吵。2021-01-15 编辑:Aimee
[刘毅突破英文词汇22000] 刘毅词汇22000 第10期:有关Eating的词群
condiment n. 调味品 There is a shelf in our kitchen for pepper, salt, mustard, catsup and other condiments. 厨房里有个摆胡椒、盐、芥未、蕃茄酱及其他调味品的架子。2021-01-16 编辑:Aimee
[刘毅突破英文词汇22000] 刘毅词汇22000 第11期:有关Size和Quantity的词群
After the test I thought at first I had done very well, then quite well, and finally, poorly. I ran the gamut from confidence to despair. 考试后起初我想自己考得很好,后来认为不错,最后是差劲。我经历了从自信到失望的全部历程。2021-01-17 编辑:Aimee
[刘毅突破英文词汇22000] 刘毅词汇22000 第12期:有关Weakness的词群
infirmity n. 虚弱 On leaving the hospital, the patient felt almost too weak to walk, but he soon overcame this infirmity. 离开医院时,病人觉得虚弱得几乎走不动,但他很快就克服了虚弱。2021-01-18 编辑:Aimee
[刘毅突破英文词汇22000] 刘毅词汇22000 第13期:有关Streogth的词群
bulwark n. 壁垒;保卫 For centuries the British regarded their navy as their principal bulwark against invasion. 几个世纪来,英国认为他们的海军是抵御侵略的首要防卫。2021-01-19 编辑:Aimee
[刘毅突破英文词汇22000] 刘毅词汇22000 第14期:有关Neglect的词群
default 1. n. 拖欠、缺席、违约 2. vt. 拖欠;缺席 The royals must be on the playing field by 4 p. m. if they do not appear, they will lose the game by default. 皇家队必须在下午四点到达比赛场地,如果他们逾时不到,将因违例而输掉这场比赛。2021-01-20 编辑:Aimee
[刘毅突破英文词汇22000] 刘毅词汇22000 第15期:有关care的词群
solicitude n. 焦虑 My brother's solicitude over getting into college ended when he received word that he had been accepted. 我弟弟对于进大学的焦虑,在他收到可入学的信息时结束。2021-01-21 编辑:Aimee
[刘毅突破英文词汇22000] 刘毅词汇22000 第16期:有关Residence的词群
denizen n. 居民;栖息者 On their safari, the hunters stalked lions, tigers, and other ferocious denizens of the jungle. 在狩猎队里,猎人们偷偷地潜近狮子、老虎及其他丛林里凶猛的栖息者。2021-01-22 编辑:Aimee
[刘毅突破英文词汇22000] 刘毅词汇22000 第17期:有关Disobedience的词群
defiance n. 违抗 The union showed defiance of the court order against a strike by calling the workers off their jobs. 工会叫工人停工,以示对法庭禁止罢工命令的违抗。2021-01-23 编辑:Aimee
[刘毅突破英文词汇22000] 刘毅词汇22000 第18期:有关Obedtence的词群
allegiance n. 忠诚 Every school day, millions of children "pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands. " 每个上学日,数百万儿童“宣誓效忠美国国旗和它代表的合众国”。2021-01-24 编辑:Aimee
[刘毅突破英文词汇22000] 刘毅词汇22000 第19期:有关Time的词群
dawdle vi. 浪费时间;闲荡 My sister dawdles over the dishes. Mother gets them done without wasting time. 我妹妹洗起盘子来慢吞吞的,母亲则一点时间也不浪费就可以做好。2021-01-25 编辑:Aimee