[美食祈祷和恋爱] 《美食祈祷和恋爱》Chapter 50 (107):放手领悟
The next morning in meditation, all my caustic old hateful thoughts come up again. I'm starting to think of them as irritating telemarketers, always calling at the most inopportune moments. W2012-05-07 编辑:Jasmine
[美食祈祷和恋爱] 《美食祈祷和恋爱》Chapter 50 (108):冥思
When I tried this morning, after an hour or so of unhappy thinking, to dip back into my meditation, I took a new idea with me: compassion. I asked my heart if it could please infuse my soul with a mo2012-05-08 编辑:Jasmine
[初中英语河北教育出版社七年级(上)] UNIT 7 Days and Months Lesson 50
UNIT 7 Days and Months第七单元 日子和月份Lesson : Months第50课:月份1.Months of the year一年中的月份The first season of the year is spr2012-09-10 编辑:hoy
[双语达人] 汪星人的愿望清单:汪星人一定要做的50件事
The list was created after consultations with vets, dog behaviour experts and owners from across the UK.这是一份向兽医、狗狗行为专家以及2012-10-24 编辑:ivy
[CCTV9] 马丁·路德金"我有一个梦想"演讲50周年
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[外交与国际] 习近平在中法建交50周年纪念活动上的演讲 MP3+中英对照
在中法建交50周年纪念大会上的讲话 Xi addresses on 50 years of China-France ties2014-04-11 编辑:Andersen
[新奇事件簿] 新奇事件簿(翻译+字幕+讲解):新加坡庆祝独立50周年
周六,新加坡举行了50周年庆典。1965年的8月8日,弹丸之地新加坡独立。庆典的高潮是新加坡有史以来规模最大的一次烟火表演。数万名民众聚集在大街上欢呼雀跃。从除夕开始,新加坡就开始翘首以盼庆典的到来。2015-12-27 编辑:wendy
[新概念英语青少版(4B)] 新概念英语青少版(4B):Unit25 Lesson50
昨天,我五点半就起床了,之后喝了杯茶。2018-05-09 编辑:hepburn