[2019年上半年英国新闻] 英国新闻讲解附字幕:金正恩促美国摒弃敌朝政策
Hello, I'm Debbie Russ with the BBC News. Scientists with the American Space Agency NASA believed their New Horizons probe has successfully encountered the most distant object ever to be explore..2019-01-03 编辑:Wendy
[2019年上半年英国新闻] 英国新闻讲解附字幕:金正恩促美国摒弃敌朝政策
Hello, I'm Debbie Russ with the BBC News. Scientists with the American Space Agency NASA believed their New Horizons probe has successfully encountered the most distant object ever to be explore..2019-01-03 编辑:Wendy