[Albert说英闻] 第241期:华为二公主赢麻了!给刘亦菲做配角,口碑逆转,演技惊艳
It hasn't been easy for Annabel Yao, who is often accused by naysayers that she's just “depending on her father” for success.2023-02-05 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第242期:外媒炮轰《流浪地球2》只配30分!却被自己人打脸
‘The Wandering Earth II’ Review: It Wanders Too Far2023-02-06 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第243期:谍战片《无名》争议大,网友:难看,是王一博的锅!?
I am going feral about how much confidence he exudes.2023-02-07 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第244期:《满江红》口碑炸裂、32亿票房!凌晨两点高价满座却被质疑…
The set-up involves Song dynasty chancellor Qin Hui leading a host of imperial troops to a remote compound for talks with the rival Jin Dynasty.2023-02-08 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第245期:40岁胡歌官宣当爸!热搜爆了,全网祝贺!网友:压力给到彭于晏
Hu Ge, who also goes by the English name Hugh, first made it big with his award winning performance in the television series ‘Chinese Paladin’.2023-02-09 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第246期:9.1分的《狂飙》,现象级神剧,原型曝光,现实比剧更惊心动魄
Wow I really like this Chen Shuting character. She is one tough cookie.2023-02-10 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第247期:胡鑫宇事件刷屏,录音笔内容曝光,遗言刺痛所有人
The teen’s sudden disappearance prompted a manhunt for him by authorities, complete with sniffer dogs, drones and thermal imaging equipment.2023-02-13 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第248期:19岁华裔少女血泪控诉美国养父母:囚禁奴役十多年!逃跑被抓回
Thomas and Denise Atkocaitis were already physically and mentally abusing Olivia by the time she was 3 years old.2023-02-14 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第249期:中国“流浪气球”跨越13000公里误入,美国上演“哑巴吃黄连”
The downing of a suspected Chinese spy balloon just off South Carolina’s coast created a spectacle over one of the state’s tourism hubs and drew crowds reacting with a mixture of bewildered gazing, ..2023-02-15 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第250期:哈利王子再爆大瓜!40岁初夜对象现身,自曝两人荒野情史
A former worker at King Charles’ home has outed herself as the “older” woman who took Prince Harry’s virginity.2023-02-16 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第251期:ChatGPT爆火,将威胁几亿人“饭碗”?!网友:“好用到吓人”
What is ChatGPT?2023-02-17 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第252期:少年天才一路狂飙,24小时两次创造历史!网友怒赞:天赋易昺
Wu Yibing used his well-rounded game to upset the top seed in a match of the highest quality from both sides of the net.2023-02-20 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第253期:美国火车脱轨!化学物泄露,毒云漫天!大量动物死亡,记者却被捕了…
Officials monitoring the smoldering2023-02-21 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第254期:「纯情大男孩」陈飞宇“床照”曝光?!网友:“有其父,必有其子”
Some netizens are calling this Kris Wu 2.0 but Chen Feiyu's agency is claiming the young actor is an innocent party in the latest celebrity sex scandal to hit China headlines.2023-02-22 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第255期:安妮海瑟薇热舞视频火上热搜!颜值回春,40岁近照美翻网友!
Anne Hathaway looked quite fresh-faced recently at the Sundance Film Festival and at Paris fashion week.2023-02-23 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第256期:外媒报道: 《狂飙》高启强vs安欣
The Knockout, with high production value and a nuanced plot focusing on the decades-long rivalry between An Xin, a clean cop and Gao Qiqiang, a crime boss, has drawn strong reviews in China.2023-02-24 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第257期:2小时内100%有效避孕,男性避孕药真的要来了?
这个药的作用原理简单点说就是暂时麻痹精子。2023-02-27 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第258期:《狂飙》火到国外,反派「高启强」为何赢得很多人同情?
《狂飙》热度褪去了。但是高启强还在。 在每一个人的心里久久散不去。2023-02-28 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第259期:英国媒体发现《狂飙》
The drama is full of twists, earning high praise on Douban, however, it runs the risk of backfiring by revealing too much existing malfeasance.2023-03-02 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第260期:美国媒体发现高启强丨第二弹
In the past, the baddies were obvious in Chinese TV—clearly evil, with no redeeming qualities lest the audience be enticed to imitate them.2023-03-03 编辑:sophie