[Albert说英闻] 第421期:央视点名“性缘脑”,「生理性喜欢」才是真的喜欢
For some reason, we tend to describe our dream partner in terms of personality traits rather than appearances.2023-11-06 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第422期:汪峰章子怡离婚,前妻直播放《倍儿爽》,爆出更多猛料...
Once is a coincidence, twice is a pattern.2023-11-07 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第423期:一犬伤人,万犬遭殃!“2岁女童被狗咬”事件后续,让人大跌眼镜...
Several Chinese cities started rounding up stray dogs and advertising “civilized” pet ownership last week, after a two-year-old had to be hospitalized following a savage mauling by an off-leash Rott..2023-11-08 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第424期:JK罗琳再因跨性别言论引争议,她硬气回应:我宁愿去坐牢
J.K. Rowling has continued to double down on her stance on gender despite pushback, including from Harry Potter film stars Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint.2023-11-09 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第425期:《老友记》“钱德勒”去世,年仅54岁!现实中悲剧一生的喜剧“老友”
Matthew Perry, who gained sitcom superstardom as Chandler Bing on the show “Friends,” becoming a model of the ability to tease your pals as an expression of love, has died. He was 54.2023-11-10 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第426期:上海万圣节,群魔乱舞杀疯了! 安陵容抽烟、Lisa脱衣舞、吴签出狱……
The streets are alive with gods and ghouls.2023-11-13 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第427期:92岁默多克又恋爱,媒人竟是前妻邓文迪!网友:简直惊世操作!
Media magnate Rupert Murdoch appears to have rekindled his romantic life, following the conclusion of his blink-and-you’d-miss-it engagement to Ann Lesley Smith.2023-11-14 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第428期:疯马秀后续风暴开始了!Lisa国外代言被删,疑似遭封杀?!
Recent developments suggest that BLACKPINK’s Lisa is still grappling with the repercussions of her Crazy Horse performance deemed inappropriate, as she is not only a popular female idol but also a r..2023-11-15 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第429期:火遍全球,网红帕梅拉中国行,逛故宫、爬长城....网友们纷纷求偶遇
When it comes to ab workouts, you don’t need to spend hours in the gym to really work your core, as Pamela Reif and her plethora of 10-minute ab workouts prove. Far more than just an aesthetic goal,..2023-11-16 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第430期:《暮光之城》女主克里斯汀,将与未婚妻结婚
It seems Kristen Stewart and Dylan Meyer are still in the thick of wedding planning2023-11-17 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第431期:《老友记》曝光未拍戏份:“钱德勒”出轨酒店员工...网友:致敬演员马修!
A little-known fact about “Friends” Vegas trip is that Chandler was originally intended to cheat on his high-maintenance girlfriend, Monica.2023-11-20 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第433期:“狼叔”休·杰克曼,离婚内幕曝光?花重金给前妻“封口费”
Hugh Jackman and Deborra-Lee Furness have stayed relatively below the radar with the pending divorce2023-11-22 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第432期:48岁小李子被曝又交新女友!25岁顶级绝美超模!网友:麻木了...
Why do gorgeous women in their physical primes seem incapable of resisting the charms of Leonardo DiCaprio? Well, let’s start with the blatantly obvious reasons.2023-11-21 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第434期:7年离婚大战,从顶流跌入谷底,如今48岁的朱莉终于杀回来了!
Even as an A-list star, Angelina Jolie has had a run of critical and commercial misfires over the last eight years, but she is set to make an acting comeback as her next movie is slated to break the..2023-11-23 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第435期:“家族最丑”刘亦菲,全家都不是普通人,网友:基因太强大了!
Despite all the hullaballoo surrounding Disney’s live-action Mulan, the movie propelled Chinese actress Crystal Liu into the global limelight and cemented her status as one of China’s most iconic ac..2023-11-24 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第436期:电影《我本是高山》,“燃灯校长”张桂梅,带领大山女孩们逆天改命
The upcoming film ‘Beyond the Clouds’, which aims to shed light on the vital role of education in transforming lives and lifting communities out of poverty, charts the life of a Chinese teacher who ..2023-11-27 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第437期:被美国人讨厌的「完美公主」安妮·海瑟薇,终于变成了女王
So why does the cheerful and supremely talented actress inspire such froth?2023-11-28 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第438期:全球第一网红「卡戴珊」哈佛演讲刷屏全网!网友们吵翻天
Reality star, fashion guru, businesswoman, lawyer, and now, guest lecturer — is there anything Kim Kardashian can't do?2023-11-29 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第439期:侃爷带新老婆度假,疑似被精神控制,大尺度穿衣辣眼惹众怒
It’s fair to say that Kanye West and new wife Bianca Censori have an unusual relationship,2023-11-30 编辑:sophie
[Albert说英闻] 第440期:“瑞秋”天价片酬曝光!一集200万美金,近10年全球收入最高女演员!
With a career in show business that spans four decades, Jennifer Aniston has become a household name for millions of people.2023-12-01 编辑:sophie