[雅思写作模拟题范文] 雅思写作范文:私家车的坏处多于好处吗?(3)
新东方网雅思频道温馨提示:请大家不要冒险背诵范文,否则可能导致极低的分数甚至0分。本站提供的范文仅供大家参考,多多练习,是写作提高的王道! some people claim that the disadvantages of the car are mo2012-06-06 编辑:rainbow
[雅思写作模拟题范文] 雅思写作范文:私家车的坏处多于好处吗?
东方网雅思频道温馨提示:请大家不要冒险背诵范文,否则可能导致极低的分数甚至0分。本站提供的范文仅供大家参考,多多练习,是写作提高的王道! some people claim that the disadvantages of the car are more2012-06-05 编辑:rainbow
[雅思写作模拟题范文] 雅思写作范文:私家车的坏处多于好处吗?(2)
some people claim that the disadvantages of the car are more than the advantages,do you agree or disagree? the birth of cars have made an enormous change to our life.in the past,we travel from one2012-06-05 编辑:rainbow
[雅思写作模拟题范文] 雅思写作范文:是否该限制私家车
下面新东方网雅思频道为大家整理了雅思写作范文:是否该限制私家车,供考生们参考,以下是详细内容。 You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Present a written argument or case&2012-10-10 编辑:Rainbow
[四级作文预测] 2013年12月新英语四级预测作文:私家车
as we can learn from the graph, the ownership of private cars varies from year to year. in the year of 1990, there are only two cars among 100 families, but in the year of 1995, it is 10, and it goe..2013-12-09 编辑:Aimee
[专四作文范文] 英语专业四级作文范文(范文+MP3):Private cars私家车
With the increase in the general standardof living, some ordinary Chinese families begin to afford a car. Yet opinionsof the development of a private car vary from person to person.2014-09-01 编辑:alice
[大学生英语辩论赛话题集锦] 大学生英语辩论赛话题集锦(MP3+中英字幕) 第1场:是否鼓励拥有私家车
每个人都有权利追求更高品质的生活。私家车给我们的生活带来了更大程度的舒适性和灵活性。如果拥有属于自己的车,我们就可以不必上班时去挤拥挤的公交车或者地铁。而且,车可以使我们的周末和假期过得更加愉快。你可以驾车去任何你喜欢的地方,尤其是那些不通公交车和火车的地方。2014-12-17 编辑:liekkas
[大学生英语辩论赛话题集锦] 大学生英语辩论赛话题集锦(MP3+中英字幕) 第2场:穿着打扮是否重要
每个人都有权利追求更高品质的生活。私家车给我们的生活带来了更大程度的舒适性和灵活性。如果拥有属于自己的车,我们就可以不必上班时去挤拥挤的公交车或者地铁。而且,车可以使我们的周末和假期过得更加愉快。你可以驾车去任何你喜欢的地方,尤其是那些不通公交车和火车的地方。2014-12-18 编辑:liekkas
[老托福听力93篇集锦:Part C] 老托福听力93篇集锦:Part C(MP3+文本) 第21篇:私家车的影响
A number of sociologists blame the automobile for the decline of the downtown areas of major cities.In the 1950's and 1960's the automobile made it possible to work in the city and yet live ..2014-12-24 编辑:wendy
[新奇事件簿] 新奇事件簿(翻译+字幕+讲解):古巴放宽购买私家车限制
古巴政府正在试图让民众更容易地买到外国二手车,或是新车。哈瓦那时代报道称:“古巴内阁在最近的一次会议中决定开通对摩托车、汽车、厢式货车以及迷你巴士的零售市场。”2015-10-07 编辑:wendy
[关注社会] 中国私家车条款将使滴滴优步大受影响
中国最新制定的关于私家车呼叫服务的条款严重打击了滴滴,快滴和优步等公司2015-11-15 编辑:max
[专八作文易考范文50篇背诵 ] 涓撳叓浣滄枃鏄撹
Private cars, often regarded as luxury goods, are reported to have been bought by many college students orby their parents as birthday gifts in the recent.2021-03-14 编辑:wendy
[专八作文易考范文50篇背诵 ] 专八作文易考范文背诵(MP3+中英字幕)第14篇:大学生是否应该拥有私人汽车?
Private cars, often regarded as luxury goods, are reported to have been bought by many college students orby their parents as birthday gifts in the recent.2021-03-14 编辑:wendy
[关注社会] 上海发布新规 未满12周岁不得坐副驾驶座
自2017年3月起,上海未满12周岁的未成年人将禁止坐在副驾驶上。2017-01-10 编辑:max