[开心一笑] 精明的家庭主妇
A smart housewife精明的家庭主妇A smart housewife was told that there was a kind of stove which would only consume half of the coal she was burning. She was very excited, and said:2012-06-05 编辑:Hepburn
[服饰搭配] 服饰搭配:你是个精明的买家吗?
You are careful with your money: you collect all kinds of coupons; look for group-buy deals if you dine out; you don't buy clothes unless in a sale. Does all this make you a shrewd consumer?你2012-08-08 编辑:justxrh
[关注社会] 钱荒让少数精明投资者看到机会
海通证券(Haitong Securities)的王伟(音)和他的同事们上周五向4,000多名客户发出了主题为“如何利用中国的钱荒赚钱”的短信。2013-06-25 编辑:shaun
[愉悦口语] 愉悦口语(MP3+文本):第421期 精明英文怎么说
Mike's a shrewd businessman. Mike是个精明的商人。2017-08-17 编辑:aimee