[双语达人] 人际交往支招:7招教你如何拒绝人
Do you have a hard time saying no to others? Do you say “yes” when you really mean no?You’re not alone. Many people end up saying “yes” to something they don’t really want to do for several rea2012-06-06 编辑:Sara
[职场双语] 专家支招:五招助你一天无忧工作
In the middle of the Summer, when the weather is beautiful and the beach is beckoning, it can be hard to even drag yourself into the office - let alone to stay organized and productive while you&2012-07-03 编辑:justxrh
[恋爱物语] 恋爱物语:恋爱支招 教你如何分辨"潜男友"
It's great if we can tell whether a person likes us or not. Watch this video, ladies, to see the tale and tell signs when a guy likes you.如果能辨别一个人是否喜欢我们就好了。仔细观看本期视频,2012-07-24 编辑:Amosway
[快乐职场] 快乐职场:职场入门支招如何写个人简历
Writing a CV can be stressful. Here we show you what to put in and what to avoid; keeping your CV focused in order to impress a potential employer. Learn how to write a CV that will impress prospecti2012-07-27 编辑:Amosway
[快乐职场] 职场面试支招 事先准备和自信最重要
This film shows you how to prepare and perform in a job interview. If you are committed to getting that perfect job, then watch this excellent video on how to perform effectively in the interview sta2012-08-16 编辑:Amosway
[他她话题] 大牌媒婆支招:富翁更爱直发女
富翁们喜欢直发,他们喜欢手指穿过顺直秀发的感觉,而不喜欢被卷发缠住。说真的,很少有女人会有一头完美的卷发。2012-12-27 编辑:ivy
[职场写作] 如何写出漂亮的邮件:职场英语写作支招
邮件这样的沟通方式早已经渗入到了我们的生活工作中,因此可以说大多数人都能有效地使用邮件与他人交流。但如果你发现自己还没做得足够有效,我想以下这六点可以帮到你。2013-01-29 编辑:Aimee
[美容化妆] 刘海控看过来:8招对付长得太快没造型的刘海
刘海张太快,一不小心发型失败,怎样做才人见人爱?8招让你靓起来!2013-06-23 编辑:kelly
[他她话题] 女性魅力指南:8种方法教你不动声色的性感
美女一定是貌若天仙吗?其实只要你能做到些小细节,就会让你心仪的他为你倾心的。2013-06-23 编辑:kelly
[中外文化] 朋友结婚没钱怎么办——看外国"知心姐姐"支招
朋友结婚请你,你却无钱送礼。看来这不仅仅是中国人的尴尬。 看看外国”知心姐姐”如何支招解决问题。2013-07-01 编辑:kelly
[巧学听力技巧] 巧学听力技巧 第2期:听力训练-给全球变暖支招
Philosophy and Science together. How far should we go technologically to prepare to save the planet in a worst case climate change scenario?2013-12-22 编辑:mike
[关注社会] Buzzfeed首席执行官支招 传统报纸到底应该怎么转型
社交新闻先驱、BuzzFeed创始人兼首席执行官乔纳o柏瑞迪说,传统报纸面临的挑战不是需要增加一些竞争对手具备的功能,而是如何转向数字化。2014-07-18 编辑:shaun
[他她话题] 情人节如何花式秀恩爱 全球人民来支招
不管你喜不喜欢,又一个情人节马上就要到了。2017-02-15 编辑:alice