[新闻词汇] BBC新闻词汇(视频版) 第21期:Cruise disaster
Transcript:The major inquiry into how this disaster came about is now gathering momentum, and more and more, the actions of the captain are coming under suspicion.He's maintained that his ves2012-06-07 编辑:Jasmine
[追本溯源记单词] 追本溯源记单词第264期:disaster 灾难 祸患
按古代占星术,通过星辰运行可以预卜人事的吉凶祸福。占星家认为人间面临灾难皆因星辰处于凶位或凶向所致。disaster 16世纪始用于英语2013-11-22 编辑:mike
[南瓜姐姐段子学单词] 南瓜姐姐段子学单词 第835期:astronomy disaster
astronomy n. 天文学 disaster n. 灾难2019-11-27 编辑:Vicki