A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Memcache::connect(): Server (tcp 11211, udp 0) failed with: Connection refused (111)

Filename: libraries/Cache_file.php

Line Number: 28

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Warning

Message: Memcache::connect(): Can't connect to, Connection refused (111)

Filename: libraries/Cache_file.php

Line Number: 28

新招文章精选_新招- 可可英语


您的位置: 首页 > 标签  包含有标签 新招 的文章共有:2
  • [关注社会] 好莱坞市整治小广告有新招

    Cheap signs scattered on lawns and along the corners of busy intersections are hard to miss.To city officials,the signs are costly litter that requires city workers to pick them up.那些散落在草地上和

    2012-06-09 编辑:justxrh

  • [考试经验] 英语四级听力训练有新招:横竖结合精听训练

    一般说来,短文听力备考训练必须抓住竖听和横听两点结合来进行。所谓竖听,是指一套题目从头听到尾,从第一题听到最后一题。所谓横听,是指把相同题材和体裁的文章放在一块对照比较着听,从而迅速抓住同类型文章的规律,真正做到以不变应万变。例如,有关人物传记的文章在近几年的考题中共出现过两篇, 1999年1月的passage1和1996年1月的passage1,把这两篇文章放在一起听,可以发现这类型文

    2012-11-09 编辑:Aimee