[时差N小时] 时差N小时:强力胶
If you've ever had a spill when working with SuperGlue? Then you know that the warning on the side of the tube is the absolute truth: SuperGlue will indeed bond skin in a matter of seconds.2012-06-12 编辑:melody
[听力文摘] 听力文摘第91期:强力胶的"天敌"
Superglue 强力胶Male: Help!Help!求助!求助!Female:What's wrong?你怎么了?M: I was fixing my coffee cup with superglue.And I must have2012-10-22 编辑:Rainbow
[创意生活] 衣服粘上强力胶 简单方法轻松去除
使用以下简单的方法,除掉粘在衣服上的强力胶。用冷水冲洗粘上强力胶的衣物。2013-02-13 编辑:qihui
[时差N小时] 时差N小时:强力胶的天敌
当其分子接触到皮肤或者其它东西表面的水分子时,它们就开始形成了一条条甩动的链子并形成了很结实、耐性好的塑料织物2014-05-22 编辑:mike