[科技新闻] 智能软件充当保护伞?
Texting while driving can be deadly. Talking on the phone while walking is also deadly, or at least threatening enough. Researchers at Dartmouth College in America and the University of Bologna in It2012-06-14 编辑:justxrh
[时事新闻] 时事新闻:婴儿成卖假证者"保护伞"
Young women, some pregnant and others breastfeeding toddlers, who sell fake student IDs of all kinds, have become a phenomenon outside the east gate of Renmin University of China in Beijing.北京,中国2012-07-11 编辑:justxrh
[时事热搜榜] 唐山烧烤店打人案保护伞被查!
共28名被告于日前被提起公诉,其中7人涉嫌于6月10日在河北省唐山市一家烧烤店殴打4名女性2022-08-31 编辑:max