[精美英文欣赏] 精美英文欣赏:承认错误
Admitting guilt承认错误Giving advice is a lot easier than receiving it.给予建议比接受建议更容易。Telling someone that he was wrong is a lot easier than admitting that you made a mistake.当然告诉别人他2012-06-16 编辑:mike
[快乐职场] 怎样承认自己的错误而不失体面
You've argued adamantly but lost. How do you back down without losing your credibility? This film, with advice&2012-10-18 编辑:qihui
[四级词汇群记法] 四级词汇群记法 第16期:关于"承认"的相关单词
【例句】 Perhaps his nerve is naturally too dull to admit of any excitation. 大概他的神经天生就很迟钝以至不容有任何刺激的余地。 He will never admit to me that he is lazy. 他不会向我承认他懒惰。2012-12-15 编辑:jenny
[27宜嫁] 听电影《27宜嫁》学英语第53期:有胆量就承认
你利用我来谋取功利,有胆量就承认吧,别惺惺作态假扮关心我。我刚搞垮了我的人生。2012-12-22 编辑:justdoit
[留学动态] 欧美陆续承认高考成绩 各国留学申请标准达一本线
7月是高考发榜季,也是夏季留学展的旺季。在热火朝天的展会现场,不少学生揣着高考成绩单——别以为他们跑错了地方,近年来,高考成绩单不仅能敲开国内高校的大门,也逐渐为全球越来越多的大学认可。2013-09-10 编辑:sophie
[CCTV9] 巴西政府承认曾监视俄罗斯等3国外交官
巴西政府承认曾监视俄罗斯等3国外交官 CCTV-9 视频 新闻 巴西 政府 承认 监视 俄罗斯等3国外交官2013-11-05 编辑:mike
[他她话题] 澳大利亚最高法院承认"中性人"身份
据《每日电讯报》4月2日报道,澳大利亚最高法院裁定,法律上可以承认一个人为中性人,而不被归类为男性或女性。这一结果结束了一位性别平等活动家长期的法律斗争。2014-04-22 编辑:shaun
[Ez talk美语会话志] Ez talk美语会话志第187期(MP3+双语字幕):Admit it! 承认吧!
Sophia: Here's Copellini's, my cousin's store.2015-03-03 编辑:max
[每日一句口语] 每日一句口语 第1201期:不愿承认一些事情,只是因为这些东西听起来很不舒服
There's some things that people don't admit because they don't like the way it sounds. ~~~人们有时候不愿承认一些事情,只是因为这些东西听起来很不舒服。2015-08-07 编辑:Ukki
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第1102期:承认-每件事(1)
Be frank about your age, yoursexual orientation, your criminal record (if you have one), your tattoos, yourscars, and your prescriptions. 要坦率:年龄、性取向、犯罪记录(如果有一个)、纹身、疤痕、秘方。2015-12-30 编辑:Ukki
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第1102期:承认-每件事(1)
Be frank about your age, yoursexual orientation, your criminal record (if you have one), your tattoos, yourscars, and your prescriptions. 要坦率:年龄、性取向、犯罪记录(如果有一个)、纹身、疤痕、秘方。2015-12-30 编辑:Ukki
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第1103期:承认-你真的听烦了(2)
Life is too short to listen topeople talk about the same problems over and over again. 人生苦短,真不该老听别人重复抱怨同样的问题。2015-12-31 编辑:Ukki
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第1104期:承认-你家里通常乱七八糟(3)
Your House Is Usually a DisasterArea你家里通常乱七八糟The next time you entertain, don'tpretend that your place always looks perfect. 下次聚会时,别装作你家里一直这么完美。2016-01-01 编辑:Ukki
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第1105期:承认-你给自己花了一小笔钱(4)
Even in this day and age, manypeople still don't level with their spouses about how much they paid for somecoveted service or item, like a salon treatment or a fancy new grill. 即使如今这世道,对一些奢侈的享..2016-01-02 编辑:Ukki
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第1106期:承认-你并非知道所有答案(5)
By and large, people don't like tolive in the realm of "not knowing." It's terrifying. Which is whyeverybody wants to have all the answers. 总体来说,人们不喜欢“不知道”的状态。这感觉可怕。所以,每个人都要知道所有答案。2016-01-03 编辑:Ukki
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第1103期:承认-你真的听烦了(2)
Life is too short to listen topeople talk about the same problems over and over again. 人生苦短,真不该老听别人重复抱怨同样的问题。2015-12-31 编辑:Ukki
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第1104期:承认-你家里通常乱七八糟(3)
Your House Is Usually a DisasterArea你家里通常乱七八糟The next time you entertain, don'tpretend that your place always looks perfect. 下次聚会时,别装作你家里一直这么完美。2016-01-01 编辑:Ukki
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第1103期:承认-你真的听烦了(2)
Life is too short to listen topeople talk about the same problems over and over again. 人生苦短,真不该老听别人重复抱怨同样的问题。2015-12-31 编辑:Ukki
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第1102期:承认-每件事(1)
Be frank about your age, yoursexual orientation, your criminal record (if you have one), your tattoos, yourscars, and your prescriptions. 要坦率:年龄、性取向、犯罪记录(如果有一个)、纹身、疤痕、秘方。2015-12-30 编辑:Ukki
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第1103期:承认-你真的听烦了(2)
Life is too short to listen topeople talk about the same problems over and over again. 人生苦短,真不该老听别人重复抱怨同样的问题。2015-12-31 编辑:Ukki