[体育新闻] 体育到商场?从体育赛场看商场竞争
You can learn a lot about an entrepreneur's approach to business by playing them at sport.在体育运动中运用一名企业家的经营方法,可以让你很好地了解这种方法。In tennis I adopt the strategy espo2012-06-25 编辑:justxrh
[体育新闻] 奥运回顾:奥运赛场上的力与美
Reasons to watch the Olympics can be various. Some look for national pride, some for cliffhangers, and even some for fashion.观看奥运会的理由有许多种。有些是为了寻求民族自豪感,有些是为了观看扣人心弦2012-08-15 编辑:justxrh
[体育新闻] 中国官员称李娜赛场崩溃因教育缺失
In Grand Slam tennis, 127 women end the fortnight without a prized singles trophy in their possession. 在网球大满贯(Grand Slam)赛事中,有127名女选手在为期两周的比赛后不能拿到一块女单奖牌。2012-09-07 编辑:justxrh