[返老还童] 听电影《返老还童》学英语第21期:情不自禁融入音乐之中
原文欣赏Well, all right, long as she stays from up underfoot.好吧,只要她不惹麻烦。 Right this way, ma'am.这里请,女士。 As hard as I try, I can't remember her name.我怎么想都想2012-07-26 编辑:justxrh
[返老还童] 听电影《返老还童》学英语第22期:被闪电打中七次
原文欣赏Not doing too good?很痛,是吗? Nobody seems to know whether to stay or leave.没人知道该走或该留? I'm gonna ride it out.我要撑过去。 There. That should make things much easi2012-07-27 编辑:justxrh
[返老还童] 听电影《返老还童》学英语第23期:难忘的一晚
原文欣赏It was a night to remember.那是令人难忘的一晚。 What are you, Dick Tracy or something? I've got to rest.你是超人吗?我得休息。 Again.再来一次。 Thank you. No, thank you. You2012-07-28 编辑:justxrh
[返老还童] 听电影《返老还童》学英语第24期:酒吧闲聊职业
原文欣赏She died in childbirth.她是因为难产而死。 To children.敬小孩子。 To mothers.敬母亲。 What line of work you in, Mr. Button?你从事哪种行业? Buttons. Button's Buttons. There2012-07-29 编辑:justxrh
[返老还童] 听电影《返老还童》学英语第25期:长大让人措手不及
原文欣赏Growing up's a funny thing. Sneaks up on you.长大是件怪事,让人措手不及。 One person is there, then suddenly somebody else has taken her place.本来认识的一个人 突然变成别人取代了她2012-07-30 编辑:justxrh
[返老还童] 听电影《返老还童》学英语第26期:人生无常
原文欣赏Well...那。I'd feel sorry for you...那我就会替你难过。 to have to see everybody you love die before you do.因为你爱的每个人会比你早死。 It's an awful responsibility.这是很2012-07-31 编辑:justxrh
[返老还童] 听电影《返老还童》学英语第27期:所有人都葬身大海
原文欣赏Can you imagine?你能想像吗? He sent me a postcard...他去每一个地方。from everywhere he went.都寄一张明信片给我。 Every place he worked.他工作过的每一个地方。 Newfoundland. Baffin Ba2012-08-01 编辑:justxrh
[返老还童] 听电影《返老还童》学英语第28期:像画一样美
原文欣赏Everybody, no matter what differences they had...不管这些水手是多么不同。the languages, the color of their skin...包括他们的语言、肤色。?had one thing in common.但是却有一个共通点。 They2012-08-02 编辑:justxrh
[返老还童] 听电影《返老还童》学英语第29期:下定决心战胜死神
原文欣赏Milk, honey?牛奶?蜂蜜?A bit of honey, please.请加一点蜂蜜。 I hope you like flies in your honey.希望你喜欢有苍蝇的蜂蜜。Oh, perhaps not.那就不要好了。 Oh, maybe, um, better to let it2012-08-03 编辑:justxrh
[返老还童] 听电影《返老还童》学英语第30期:半夜的酒店
原文欣赏He died, um, sitting in his favorite chair...他过身时坐在椅子上。listening to his favorite program on the wireless.听着他最爱的广播节目。He must have known something.他一定有预感。 My husb2012-08-04 编辑:justxrh
[返老还童] 听电影《返老还童》学英语第33期:第一个爱我的女人
原文欣赏If we're going to have an affair...如果我们要有外遇。you're never to look at me during the day.你在白天就不能看我。And we're always to part before sunrise.破晓之前一定2012-08-07 编辑:justxrh
[返老还童] 听电影《返老还童》学英语第31期:小女生怎么会懂得爱情?
原文欣赏Elizabeth and I would lose track of the night...我和伊莉莎白都会聊很久。until just before daybreak.直到破晓之前。I think I may have given you the wrong impression.我想我给了你错误印象。 Be2012-08-05 编辑:justxrh
[返老还童] 听电影《返老还童》学英语第32期:人只会年轻一次
原文欣赏two miles from Calais...离法国加莱只有两英里。it started to rain.天空就开始下雨。 That's it! Steady on!快到了!继续游!And when I couldn't go any further...当我再也无法前进。2012-08-06 编辑:justxrh
[返老还童] 听电影《返老还童》学英语第34期:为珍珠港事件报仇雪恨
原文欣赏possibly beyond.甚至更远的未来。 There's been a change of plan, lads.计划改变了。As you may or may not know...你们也许知道。?the Japs bombed Pearl Harbor yesterday.昨天日本鬼子轰炸珍2012-08-08 编辑:justxrh
[返老还童] 听电影《返老还童》学英语第35期:为了良知才不打仗?
原文欣赏She had left a note.她只留了一张纸条。 She wrote,2012-08-10 编辑:justxrh
[返老还童] 听电影《返老还童》学英语第36期:向心中有梦想的人道别
佳句妙语They shot the hell out of my painting.他们把我的作品射烂了。Give me your hand.把手给我。 You'll be all right, captain.你不会有事的。 They got a nice spot in heaven waiting for y2012-08-13 编辑:justxrh
[返老还童] 听电影《返老还童》学英语第37期:年轻胜过春天的花朵
原文欣赏I'd never seen a hummingbird that far out to sea...我从未在大海上看过蜂鸟。before or since.之前和以后都没有。And in May of 1945...1945年5月。when I was 26 years old I came home.我26岁2012-08-14 编辑:justxrh
[返老还童] 听电影《返老还童》学英语第38期:回家的感觉有点怪
原文欣赏I sure saw some things.我见识了不少事情。 Oh, you seen some pain.你也尝过痛苦。 Some joy too?还有喜悦,是吧?Sure. Sure, I did. Yeah, that's what I wanna hear.对,没错,我就是想2012-08-15 编辑:justxrh
[返老还童] 听电影《返老还童》学英语第39期:最美丽的女人
原文欣赏Did I ever tell you I've been struck by lightning seven times?我说过我被闪电打中七次吗? Once when I was sitting in my truck just minding my own business.有一次我坐在货车打发时间。2012-08-16 编辑:justxrh
[返老还童] 听电影《返老还童》学英语第40期:一切都是命中注定
原文欣赏Beautiful.美丽。 The most beautiful.最美丽。 Remember Grandma Fuller? Sure I do.你记得富勒奶奶吗?当然记得。She passed.她过身了。 I heard that. I'm sorry.我听说了,很遗憾。2012-08-17 编辑:justxrh