[2024年AP News] 哈马斯在加沙部分地区"复苏"
在美国对伊拉克和叙利亚的数十个地点发动报复性袭击后,一名伊拉克民兵官员暗示伊拉克希望缓和中东的紧张局势。2024-02-05 编辑:Magi
[热点资讯传送门] 为奥运预热 巴黎恢复百年历史的服务员赛跑
距离巴黎奥运会还有几个月的时间,但这场比赛,这座城市同样重视。2024-04-04 编辑:max
[时事热搜榜] 警方通报"秦朗巴黎丢作业"视频系编造
在社交媒体上疯传的一段视频引发了全国范围的搜索,公安部于日前对此视频进行了辟谣2024-04-20 编辑:max
[可可英语晨读] 晨读776期|英美等国代表团将自带空调入住巴黎奥运村
US Olympic and other teams will bring their own AC units to Paris, undercutting environmental plan The U.S. Olympic team is one of a handful that will supply air conditioners for their athletes a..2024-06-24 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 晨读776期|英美等国代表团将自带空调入住巴黎奥运村
US Olympic and other teams will bring their own AC units to Paris, undercutting environmental plan The U.S. Olympic team is one of a handful that will supply air conditioners for their athletes a..2024-06-24 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 晨读794期 | 王一博担任巴黎奥运会火炬手,完成传递圣火最后一站
Wang Yibo Amongst Growing List of Chinese Stars Who Carried the Olympic Torch Last weekend has been full of exciting events — the Wimbledon finals and UEFA Euro Championships both happening on th..2024-07-18 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 晨读794期 | 王一博担任巴黎奥运会火炬手,完成传递圣火最后一站
Wang Yibo Amongst Growing List of Chinese Stars Who Carried the Olympic Torch Last weekend has been full of exciting events — the Wimbledon finals and UEFA Euro Championships both happening on th..2024-07-18 编辑:kekechendu
[时事热搜榜] 腿绑沙袋送快递的小哥"跑"进了奥运会
今年夏天,在巴黎,北京快递员栾玉帅将会在和世界顶级运动员相同的一条奥运赛道上奔跑。2024-07-23 编辑:max
[热点资讯传送门] 人工智能行动峰会在巴黎召开
人工智能正在迅速重塑我们的生活。2025-02-12 编辑:max