[大千世界] 大千世界:泳池也可以千姿百态
From the Guitar shaped pool to the Custom "Mickey Shape" Pool. Enjoy this 10 Unique And Creative Swimming Pool Shapes从吉他泳池到米老鼠泳池应有尽有。请欣赏世界上独一无二,且最具创造性的10座2012-07-09 编辑:Jasmine
[娱乐新闻] 老爸太有才了 将面包车变泳池
Zhou Yuhang, a six-year-old boy who lives in Wenzhou city in Zhejiang Province, has no need to contend with the crowds flocking to public swimming pools after his father converted the back of his van2012-07-21 编辑:justxrh
[体育新闻] 泳池神话菲尔普斯 奖牌创历史银牌犹荣
Phelps sets medal record菲尔普斯创造奖牌记录LONDON - American superstar Michael Phelps won two medals, including a relay gold, on Tuesday night to become the most successful Olympian ever新华社伦敦消2012-08-01 编辑:Amosway
[体育新闻] 菲尔普斯:游泳选手在泳池里小便是常事
Michael Phelps, the most decorated Olympic athlete of all time, has revealed what no sports fan wants to hear – that Olympic swimmers occasionally relieve themselves in the pool.到目前为止个人获得金2012-08-08 编辑:kekenet
[突发状况] 把手表丢在泳池了 Left the Watch at the Pool
Hello. I seemed to have left my watch at the pool. Do you know if I can do anything to try to find it?你好。我好像把我的手表落在泳池了。你知道我能怎么去找到它吗?2016-08-02 编辑:alice
[趣图妙语] 这是亲老公! 泳池遭鳄鱼袭击 丈夫撇下妻子落荒而逃!
一对夫妇于晚间在非洲一家旅馆的泳池戏水时,突然闯进一条鳄鱼,差点把整个泳池化为一潭血池。2016-11-15 编辑:max
[中外文化] 94岁的老人在自家后院建了个泳池
因为他无法将它扔掉),基思说他很高兴再也不用与孤寂独处,但他希望伊薇能够看见每个人都在他们的后院玩的很开心。"我每天都想她,"基思说道。"她不在我身边,这是最令人伤心的部分--当年她在的时候,我们真的很幸福。"2017-08-29 编辑:alice
[健康生活] 为什么在泳池中闻到氯的气味并不是件好事?
相反,当泳池中的氯与游泳者的尿液、粪便、汗水和污垢混合时,混合物会产生化学刺激物,即氯胺。散发出这种气味的物质是氯胺,2018-07-09 编辑:alice
[科学探秘之旅] 游泳池究竟有多脏 看完你就知道了
游泳池的水其实是病原体疯狂繁殖的温床,至少是一部分的温床。2018-08-15 编辑:hepburn
[化学科学秀] 在泳池嘘嘘竟然很危险?
如果你曾是一名游泳运动员,或常去游泳,你可能有往泳池里撒过一两次尿。2023-07-20 编辑:huangxixi
[可可英语晨读] 041【朗读版】迪拜60米深泳池打破吉尼斯世界纪录
World's deepest pool opens in Dubai, part of huge underwater city Already home to the world's tallest skyscraper and the world's largest mall, Dubai has just opened another record-bre..2021-07-21 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 041【讲解版】迪拜60米深泳池打破吉尼斯世界纪录
World's deepest pool opens in Dubai, part of huge underwater city Already home to the world's tallest skyscraper and the world's largest mall, Dubai has just opened another record-bre..2021-07-21 编辑:kekechendu