[时事新闻] 美议员:烧掉中国产的美国奥运代表团队服
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid was unambiguous in his response when asked about an ABC World News report that the U.S. Olympic team's opening ceremony uniforms were made in China rather th2012-07-13 编辑:justxrh
[关注社会] 美国该烧掉"中国制造"的奥运队服吗?
Burn them or wear them? 烧掉它们,还是穿上它们? That's the question swirling around the Team USA uniforms for the 2012 Olympics after U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) responde2012-07-21 编辑:justxrh
[他她话题] 美国奥运队服中国制造真的重要吗?
In a perfect world, here's what Sen. Harry Reid and Rep. John Boehner might have said when confronted last week with the revelation that China stitches together U.S. Olympic uniforms: 如果是在2012-07-24 编辑:justxrh
[每日一句口语] 每日一句初级口语第211期:奥运队服"中国制造"
今天我们要学的每日一句的内容是:As a controversy about the2012-08-02 编辑:joanna
[体育新闻] 英格兰球场失意 只怪队服不够大牌?
宣传炒作,一切皆有滴水不漏的由头:混入身穿灰色西服团队中而不被发现的最简单办法,莫过于直接穿相同的西服。前不久在伦2014-06-18 编辑:shaun
[服饰搭配] 里约奥运会各国队服大PK 咱们还是番茄炒蛋
当格鲁吉亚的传统服饰制造商Samoseli Pirveli奉命为国家队制造开幕式服装的时候,我们本以为这个品牌将迎来事业的巅峰。2016-08-04 编辑:shaun