[落跑新娘] 电影随身听附讲解:《落跑新娘》(18) 在婚礼彩排中艾克与玛琪接吻了
原文视听No! 不!Maggie? 美姬?Uh, Mag—嗯,美…Okay, okay, okay. So if you were imagining me, y-you did great. 如果你幻想吻的是我,你吻得好What the hell were you doing? 你搞什么鬼?Bob, I’m really sorry.2012-07-21 编辑:jennyxie
[缘分天注定] 听电影《缘分天注定》学英语第30期:婚礼彩排
You guys want the tenant on record in 1994? December, to be exact. 你要1994年的租客名字?1994年12月。 There's your tenant.Sebastian Mig-non? 你的租客,米龙?2013-01-06 编辑:justxrh
[BBC纪录片《中国新年》] BBC纪录片《中国新年》(视频+MP3+中英字幕) 第46期:春晚彩排
真荣幸能在张岩家参加他们全家的除夕年夜饭2016-09-27 编辑:max
[BBC纪录片《中国新年》] BBC纪录片《中国新年》(视频+MP3+中英字幕) 第47期:春晚彩排(2)
真荣幸能在张岩家参加他们全家的除夕年夜饭2016-09-30 编辑:max
[吉米肥伦秀] 小特的彩排演讲
But it turns out he did a rehearsal of the speech earlier in the day. And we actually got our hand on the footage. Oh. Yeah.2020-02-17 编辑:Wendy