[背诵为王第四册] 背诵为王第四册 Unit15 永不停止锻炼
Lesson15 Exercise for Ever!锻炼身体永不停息!In our pursuit of good health and shapeliness, most of us think immediately of dieting. If only we could eat less, we think, we'd soon be slim, ha2012-08-02 编辑:Amosway
[背诵为王第四册] 背诵为王第四册 Unit17 母语和思考方式
Lesson17 Speaking Two, But Thinking in One说两门语言,但用一门语言来思考My own experience makes me think it only self-deception if any believes that he has two mother-tongues. He may think that he is2012-08-06 编辑:Amosway
[背诵为王第四册] 背诵为王第四册 Unit34 未来的食物
Lesson34 Food of the Future?第34课未来的食物?Scientists are always trying out new ways of growing food, even though they can only guess what food will be like in the future. Here are some of their i2012-08-29 编辑:Amosway
[背诵为王第四册] 背诵为王第四册 Unit 8: 飞行躁动症
Lesson8 Air Rage飞机旅行暴怒症Forty years ago, Americans planning a long trip overwhelmingly chose to travel by car or train, or if going overseas, by ship. Air travel was still a relatively expensiv2012-07-24 编辑:Amosway
[背诵为王第四册] 背诵为王第四册 Unit 11:英语拼写的争论
Lesson11 English SpellingEnglish spelling is a2012-07-27 编辑:Amosway