[关注社会] 世界头号黄金生产商放缓扩张脚步
The world's largest gold producer has signalled a new restraint on expansion, declaring that it would no longer pursue size for size's sake as it pruned growth targets and shelved pro2012-07-28 编辑:justxrh
[关注社会] 不是我不明白 只是"城市化"脚步太快
Zhao Zhanglin, a post-90s rural migrant, didn't expect to stay when he first set foot in the sprawling metropolis of Beijing.赵章林(音译)是位90后外来务工人员。当第一次踏上北京这座纷繁大都市2012-09-01 编辑:justxrh
[每日一句口语] 每日一句口语 第306期:最快的脚步&最慢的步伐
今天的每日一句是: The fastest pace is not cross over, but continued; the slowest pace is not small, but wander.2012-12-24 编辑:Nic
[户外达人] 勇往直前 别让寒冬阻止了锻炼的脚步(视频+文本)
对于跑步者来说,冬季可能会带来障碍。尽管天气恶劣,你也可以保持健康的身材,迎接春季的到来。2014-02-17 编辑:qihui
[每日一句口语] 每日一句口语 第740期:最快的脚步不是跨越
The fastest pace is not cross over, but continued; the slowest pace is not small, but wander.最快的脚步不是跨越,而是继续;最慢的步伐不是小步,而是徘徊。2014-05-05 编辑:Ukki
[每日一句口语] 每日一句口语 第1221期:人生重要的不是我们走了哪条路而是否迈出了脚步
Maybe it doesn’t matter which road we embark on. Maybe what matters is that we embark. ——或许,人生重要的不是我们走了哪条路,而是我们是否迈出了脚步。2015-08-27 编辑:Ukki
[文学翻译] 文学作品翻译:杨牧-《脚步》英译
陪我走入蝉声,走入烦躁。 昂首数匾上的马匹2015-12-09 编辑:max