[娱乐新闻] 伦敦奥运再添囧事:市长玩空降被卡半空
London mayor Boris Johnson is known for his eccentric methods and publicity stunts, but even he couldn't have planned his latest moment of fame.伦敦市长鲍里斯-约翰逊因为行事奇特和爱作秀著称,2012-08-03 编辑:justxrh
[每天一篇英语新闻] 每天一篇英语新闻:空降CEO已成趋势
TO MAKE or to buy is perhaps the most basic question in business. This week a new report from Strategy&, an oddly named consulting division of PWC, an accounting firm, argues that a growing number a..2016-05-13 编辑:ivy