[《美丽中国》纪录片] BBC纪录片《美丽中国神奇高原》第1期:西藏高原
原文视听The Tibetan plateau is a quarter of China.西藏高原的陆地面积约占中国领土的四分之一Much of it is extremely remote and inhospitable.其中的大部分极度偏远荒无人烟Its southern border runs through2020-10-15 编辑:finn
[《美丽中国》纪录片] BBC纪录片《美丽中国神奇高原》第2期:古老的萨满教
原文视听But it's not just wildlife that values Tibet's lakes and seas.西藏的湖泊不仅是野生动物的家园Their life-giving waters are also important to people.其间的水也使得人类的生命得以延2020-10-16 编辑:finn
[《美丽中国》纪录片] BBC纪录片《美丽中国神奇高原》第3期:温泉蛇
原文视听The old Shamanic beliefs of Tibet ascribed magical powers to the landscape.古老的萨满教把魔法的力量归功于这片土地.But there's a far more tangible source of power here但这里还有的更多可2020-10-17 编辑:finn
[《美丽中国》纪录片] BBC纪录片《美丽中国神奇高原》第4期:"飞虎"跳蜘蛛
The slow-motion crash between Asia and India亚洲和印度板块之间的缓慢运动has been going on for 30 million years.已经持续了3千万年之久。The Himalayas are the crumple-zone created by these two colliding2020-10-18 编辑:finn
[《美丽中国》纪录片] BBC纪录片《美丽中国神奇高原》第5期:大地之母
原文视听The Tibetans call Everest "Qomolangma",藏民们把珠穆朗玛峰称为“珠穆朗玛”meaning "mother of the world".意为“大地之母”It's a mark of their affection for the mount2020-10-19 编辑:finn
[《美丽中国》纪录片] BBC纪录片《美丽中国神奇高原》第6期:牦牛寻宝
原文视听Living in herds of up to 200 in the remoter corners of the Tibetan plateau,居住在西藏高原偏远角落的野牦牛 群居的数量甚至可能达到200只wild yaks travel large distances,grazing on the alpine tun2020-10-20 编辑:finn
[《美丽中国》纪录片] BBC纪录片《美丽中国神奇高原》第7期:冬虫夏草
原文视听Yartsa gunbu has been used as a traditional remedy for thousands of years,冬虫夏草被用作传统药物已经上千年though only by the very wealthy.但仅限于非常富有的人群It has been bartered for tea an2020-10-21 编辑:finn
[《美丽中国》纪录片] BBC纪录片《美丽中国神奇高原》第8期:黑颈鹤
原文视听One of Tibet's most sacred creatures is the black-necked crane.西藏最神圣的一种动物是黑颈鹤In summer they live and breed out on the plateau,夏季它们在高原上繁衍生息,but in winter the2020-10-22 编辑:finn
[《美丽中国》纪录片] BBC纪录片《美丽中国神奇高原》第9期:藏羚羊
原文视听A combination of inaccessibility,and ancient traditions which forbid hunting,由于动物难以捕获并且有世代相传的禁止猎杀的传统means that in some parts of the plateau,这使得即使在今天wild animals2020-10-23 编辑:finn
[《美丽中国》纪录片] BBC纪录片《美丽中国神奇高原》第10期:雅鲁藏布江
原文视听At two days' walk from the nearest road,这个神秘的地方离最近的路有两天的路程this hidden region wasn't explored by outsiders until the 1990s.直到20世纪90年代才被世人发现Thanks2020-10-24 编辑:finn
[《美丽中国》纪录片] BBC纪录片《美丽中国神奇高原》第11期:屋脊神话
原文视听By an uncanny coincidence,Mount Kailash perfectly matches the legend机缘巧合的是伽拉萨山同of the mythical axis of the world.世界屋脊神话中的描述非常吻合Its four faces are roughly aligned to t2020-10-25 编辑:finn
[《美丽中国》纪录片] BBC纪录片《美丽中国神奇高原》第12期:脆弱的环境(end)
原文视听With its profound effect on Asia's weather and water systems,由于对亚洲气候和水资源体系的深远影响the Tibetan plateau helps to sustain almost half the world's population.青藏高2020-10-26 编辑:finn