[PBS访谈社会系列] PBS高端访谈:奥巴马举行任期内最后一次白宫记者会
He has given his final major speech, and now President Obama has also held his final news conference.2017-01-19 编辑:max
[PBS访谈商业系列] PBS高端访谈:为什么我们要现在对高科技的未来发问?
We don't stop to think about it, but if you really want to freak yourself out, and you own a cell phone, go to Google and look up your personal information, every single place that you have been..2017-01-20 编辑:max
[PBS访谈社会系列] PBS高端访谈:反特朗普游行抗议在华盛顿爆发
As we heard, there were vocal opponents of the president, thousands of them, protesting across Washington throughout this day. Most of them were peaceful.2017-01-22 编辑:max
[PBS访谈社会系列] PBS高端访谈:墨西哥总统将与特朗普在华盛顿会见
President Trump said today that he will begin to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement when he meets with the leaders of Canada and Mexico.2017-01-23 编辑:max
[PBS访谈社会系列] PBS高端访谈:东欧国家支持北约限制俄罗斯
To discuss the security situation in Europe, I am joined from Warsaw by Paul Jones, the American ambassador to Poland.2017-01-24 编辑:max
[PBS访谈社会系列] PBS高端访谈:特朗普对经济进行重新调整
It's down to business for President Trump, and the first order of business today was economic policy.2017-01-25 编辑:max
[PBS访谈社会系列] PBS高端访谈:特朗普和共和党瞄准奥巴马时期的各项规定
Now we're going to dig into some of the actions taken this week by the White House and the Congress to roll back Obama era rules and regulations.2017-02-04 编辑:max
[PBS访谈社会系列] PBS高端访谈:特朗普上任两周来的回顾
To help us analyze the latest political developments surrounding the Trump administration, I'm joined from Santa Barbara, California, by "NewsHour Weekend's" Jeff Greenfield.2017-02-06 编辑:max
[PBS访谈社会系列] PBS高端访谈:特朗普移民禁令可能交由美国最高法院
One federal appeals court has weighed in on the Trump administration's immigration ban2017-02-07 编辑:max
[PBS访谈娱乐系列] PBS高端访谈:新英格兰爱国者队完成惊天逆转 赢得超级碗
More than 110 million viewers tuned into the Super Bowl last night. And a good percentage of them may have started tuning out because the game looked like a blowout.2017-02-08 编辑:max
[PBS访谈环境系列] PBS高端访谈:冰架大裂缝迫使南极科考人员疏散
Now to our NewsHour Shares, something that caught our eye that might be of interest to you, too.2017-02-09 编辑:max
[PBS访谈社会系列] PBS高端访谈:特朗普攻击司法正当性是否过火了?
And now to a different court question, and that is the mounting controversy over President Trump's attacks on the judiciary. We have just referred to them.2017-02-10 编辑:max
[PBS访谈社会系列] PBS高端访谈:美国突袭行动让非法移民惊慌不已
For some perspective on the immigration raids, I'm joined from Miami by "USA Today" immigration reporter Alan Gomez.2017-02-13 编辑:max
[PBS访谈社会系列] PBS高端访谈:博科圣地组织统治下的残酷生活
Now: a rare look at life under the rule of the Nigerian militant group Boko Haram, as filmed by the group itself.2017-02-14 编辑:max
[PBS访谈娱乐系列] PBS高端访谈:康州大学女篮是如何成为胜利的代名词的?
A remarkable accomplishment has taken place now in college sports. The women's basketball team at the University of Connecticut has now won 100 straight games.2017-02-15 编辑:max
[PBS访谈社会系列] PBS高端访谈:迈克尔·弗林辞职 美国国家安全委员会陷入动荡
Now, for what we know about what is happening inside the White House at this tumultuous moment, and the real-world effect of this upheaval, we turn to two veteran national security reporters.2017-02-16 编辑:max
[PBS访谈社会系列] PBS高端访谈:特朗普具有对抗性的风格会有助于他担任总统吗?
Now for two different viewpoints on today's news conference, I am joined by Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach.2017-02-17 编辑:max
[PBS访谈商业系列] PBS高端访谈:扎克伯格提出Facebook的未来愿景
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has laid out his vision for the social network's future in a nearly 6,000-word manifesto he posted on Thursday.2017-02-20 编辑:max
[PBS访谈社会系列] PBS高端访谈:特朗普面试国家安全顾问候选人
For more analysis, I'm joined by Skype from West Palm Beach, Florida, by "Reuters" reporter Jeff Mason, who is also the president of the White House Correspondents Association.2017-02-21 编辑:max
[PBS访谈社会系列] PBS高端访谈:特朗普总统对煤炭行业的经济承诺
Now a special series this week on the hopes and economic realities of many of those Americans who voted for President Trump.2017-02-22 编辑:max