[科技新闻] 科技资讯:医学技术 蚕丝的妙用
KEEPING drugs, and particularly vaccines, potent in tropical climes is a challenge. Heat tends to damage them. Such medicines have therefore to be moved from one refrigerator to another, along what i2012-09-07 编辑:justxrh
[托福备考经验] 托福备考经验:成语使文章妙笔生花
闭一只眼 to turn a blind eye伸手援助 to give a helping hand时间成熟 when the time is ripe时间紧迫 to be pressed for2012-11-06 编辑:mike
[创意生活] 橄榄油发挥妙用 代替剃须膏效果更好
Are you a little sensitive? The chemicals in commercial shaving creams and lotions may dry out ...2012-12-17 编辑:qihui
[健康幸福] 家庭生活必备 橄榄油的几大妙用
In ancient Greece, Homer called olive oil liquid gold. Thousands of years later, we're still using nature's liquid elixir to cook, clean and self medicate.2012-12-25 编辑:qihui
[创意生活] 畅饮之余 感受啤酒意想不到的妙用
Beer has a variety of household uses, many of which may surprise you.2013-01-11 编辑:qihui
[服饰搭配] 晾衣夹的六种妙用
用晾衣夹夹住书页,可以保存当前阅读进度。如果你是某个读书俱乐部的成员,那可以用夹子夹住你感兴趣的章节,方便自己快速找到。2013-02-05 编辑:ivy
[大千世界] 脑洞大开的堆肥堆的10个妙用(上)
我们都知道堆肥能滋养土地,其实它还能丰富我们的生活。所以放松一下,倒一杯自酿堆肥茶(误),来欣赏堆肥先锋们的聪明才智吧。2017-08-11 编辑:villa
[大千世界] 脑洞大开的堆肥堆的10个妙用(下)
我们都知道堆肥能滋养土地,其实它还能丰富我们的生活。所以放松一下,倒一杯自酿堆肥茶(误),来欣赏堆肥先锋们的聪明才智吧。2017-08-14 编辑:villa