[高级口语纯外教视频教学] 每日课堂电子书(2013.1.9)
高级英语口语纯外教视频教学[50]【注意:如果视频不清晰,有白色模糊部分,刷新页面重新播放即可】2007-04-04 编辑:admin
[《华尔街英语》商务级] 每日课堂电子书(2013.1.10)
2007-04-04 编辑:admin
[笔译高级模拟题] 2013年翻译资格考试二级笔译综合练习题(1)
Part 1 Vocabulary Selection 1. The Kyoto Protocol has been designed to ____ the global environmental problems. A. dress B. address C. stress D. distress2013-01-15 编辑:melody
[笔译高级模拟题] 2013年翻译资格考试二级笔译综合练习题(2)
1. An “epigram” is usually descried as a bright or witty thought that is tersely and ingeniously expressed.2013-01-15 编辑:melody
[笔译高级模拟题] 2013年翻译资格考试二级笔译综合练习题(3)
Now which are the animals really to be pitied in captivity? First, those clever beings whose lively urge for activity can find no outlet behind the bars of the cage. This is most conspicuous,2013-01-16 编辑:melody
[笔译高级模拟题] 2013年翻译资格考试二级笔译综合练习题(4)
Now which are the animals really to be pitied in captivity? First, those clever beings whose lively urge for activity can find no outlet behind the bars of the cage.2013-01-16 编辑:melody
[笔译高级模拟题] 2013年翻译资格考试二级笔译综合练习题(5)
The fact that most Americans live in urban areas does not mean that they reside in the center of large cities. In fact, more Americans live in the suburbs of large metropolitan areas than in the cit..2013-01-18 编辑:melody
[笔译高级模拟题] 2013年翻译资格考试二级笔译综合练习题(6)
“what does the middleman do but add to the price of goods in the shops?” Such remarks are aimed at the intermediate operations between manufacturers and final customers.2013-01-18 编辑:melody
[2007年4月] 每日课堂电子书(2013.1.11)
新闻背景:15名被扣押的英国海军人员于昨天中午安抵伦敦希思罗机场,20分钟后,他们走出机舱,各自身着水兵和陆战队制服,兴高采烈地在机场上站成一队,让摄影记者们照相。随后他们乘坐直升机飞往英国皇家海军基地。2007-04-06 编辑:admin
[音乐咖啡厅] 每日课堂电子书(2013.1.14)
[点击试听] 我听之我见: 沙哑而富有磁性的嗓音,动人的情怀,使我在一开始听到酷玩乐队的歌时就深深地爱上了他们。他们的音乐流行,但不落入俗套,朗朗悦耳,又不让人感到腻烦,但是他们的音乐令人沉沦,这一点无可2007-04-06 编辑:admin
[音乐咖啡厅] 每日课堂电子书(2013.1.15)
[点击试听] 这是一首节凑轻快的歌曲~希望你的耳畔回响这样的节奏,你的生活飘荡这样的快乐~ Tiggy - why Standing beside you Wishing you'd always be close to me And how can I tell you Every night I see y2007-04-06 编辑:admin
[跟可可练听力] 每日课堂电子书(2013.1.16)
当月光皎洁明亮时,人们可以通过肉眼清晰的看到月亮上的阴影。各个文化的初民们,都发挥自己的想象,将月亮上的阴影拟为人世间的事物。因此,嫦娥、桂树、玉兔就应运而生了。然而关注着月亮的,并非只有中国人。梵语2007-04-06 编辑:admin
[跟可可练听力] 每日课堂电子书(2013.1.17)
Once upon a time there was a prince who wanted to marry a princess; but she would have to be a real princess. He traveled all over the world to find one, but nowhere could he get what he wanted. Ther2007-04-06 编辑:admin
[戴尔英语红宝书] 每日课堂电子书(2013.1.18)
There’s a 15% service charge. Victor: Hi,大家好,我是Victor, Nancy: Nancy! Victor: 今天我们讨论的Topic是: Nancy:There’s a 15% service charge. Victor:小费的问题啊。 Nancy:This is extra money2007-04-06 编辑:admin
[商务英语口语900句] 每日课堂电子书(2013.1.23)
Unit Twenty-one 告知客户包装所用材料、方式及其质量保证 Part One 611.Our packing is strong enough to withstand bumping and rough handling under normal conditions. 我们的包装足够坚固,正常情况下经得起碰2008-12-15 编辑:admin
[商务英语口语900句] 每日课堂电子书(2013.1.24)
Unit Twenty-Two.货运通知 651.We would like to inform you that the goods were already shipped out on the 18th of May. 我们要告诉你货已于5月18日发出652.We have the pleasure to inform you that we have s2008-12-19 编辑:admin
[商务英语口语900句] 每日课堂电子书(2013.1.21)
Unit twenty-three 货运要求及答复 671.Please effect shipment with the least possible delay upon receipt of the letter of credit in your favour established by us. 收到我方开具的以你方为受益人的信用证后2008-12-17 编辑:admin
[笔译高级模拟题] 2013年翻译资格高级笔译考试模拟试题(3)
This section consists of 3 parts. Read the directions for each part before answering the questions. The time for this section is 25 minutes.2013-01-29 编辑:melody
[胡敏读故事记单词四级] 每日课堂电子书(2013.1.22)
胡敏读故事记单词四级 Lesson 6相关专题:胡敏练口语记单词四级 胡敏练口语记单词六级 胡敏读故事记单词六级 新东方赵丽词汇课堂 懒人背单词四级词汇版2007-04-11 编辑:admin
[双语达人] 为2013年做好准备了吗?Are you ready for 2013?
大多数财务规划建议就像大多数新年许愿一样,不是太复杂就是太平庸。2013-01-30 编辑:ivy