[雅思写作Task2真题附范文] 2012年1月7日雅思大作文真题范文
海外大学教师 Jeenn Lee Hsieh 投稿Some people think developing countries should invite large foreign companies to open offices and factories to grow their economies. Others think the developing countr2012-01-11 编辑:rainbow
[雅思预测] 2012年2月4日雅思考试写作预测
以下预测适用于中国大陆,台北,香港,澳门,东南亚考区,澳大利亚,新西兰澳洲1.21er同样可以参考此次预测,另外2.9er可提前准备此预测是人人网雅思主页精心原创编写,转载请说明出处写作大家年假这段时间好好温习2012-01-19 编辑:rainbow
[双语达人] 6步教你写出漂亮的邮件
If you're reading this, there's a good chance that you have an email account. You may well have several — perhaps separate accounts for professional and personal contacts.[qh]如果你正在阅读这2012-01-12 编辑:jasmine
[雅思写作辅导] 雅思写作6.5分习得:贫富差距拉大的两大原因
The gap between the poor and rich gets large. What cause the phenomenon and how to slove it? 穷人和富人的差距越来越大。这种现象是什么原因,有什么办法可以解决这个问题?Nowadays, with the rapid develop2012-01-30 编辑:rainbow
[雅思写作Task2真题附范文] 2012年1月12日雅思写作真题+范文+解析
海外大学教师谢振礼投稿试题大意:Some people think that the government should establish free libraries in each town. Others, however, believe that it is a waste of money since the public can use the I2012-01-16 编辑:rainbow
[雅思写作Task2真题附范文] 2012年1月14日雅思写作真题范文及解析
(海外大学教师谢振礼Jeenn Lee Hsieh投稿)前言笔记:雅思与托福写作测验全算是难题,所以烤鸭使用英文的能力假若不高,那简直更是难上加难。内行的中教也一样承认每一道试题都很不容易下手,于是部分名师倾向猜题2012-01-17 编辑:rainbow
[学习经验] 考研英语作文临场写作四步骤
考研英语神秘面纱马上就要揭开,那么面纱之后的容颜究竟如何?这个问题牵动着行走于考研之路上的莘莘学子们。经历了漫长的备考岁月,途中弥漫着各种味道。能不能顺利冲刺考研英语大关?考研英语写作万一没见过怎么办2012-01-11 编辑:Richard
[雅思写作模拟题范文] 雅思写作:当领导不见得靠口才
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important characteristic for a politician or a leader is good communication skill.谢振礼老师小笔记:——谈领导人物与高级政客的优势特质,2012-01-18 编辑:rainbow
[雅思写作辅导] 雅思写作6.5分习得之环境污染谁之责?
(范文分析可可原创,转载请注明出处。)Some people think that companies and individuals, rather than governments, should pay to clean up pollution that they have caused. To what extent do you agree or2012-01-29 编辑:rainbow
[雅思写作辅导] 雅思写作6.5分习得:增设体育设施对公民体质的作用
Some people believe that in order to improve the public health, the number of sports facilities should be increased. Others believe that it has little effect and other meansures are needed to improve2012-01-31 编辑:rainbow
[雅思写作辅导] 雅思写作6.5分习得:以就业为导向的学科设置好吗?
In some countries, schools aim to provide a general education across a range of subjects, while in other countries, children focus on a narrow range of subjects related to a particualar career. For t2012-02-02 编辑:rainbow
[雅思写作辅导] 雅思写作6.5分习得:当今压力何来何去?
Life for people is becoming more stressful? What can we do to slove this? 人们生活越来越紧张了,什么原因?怎么解决?Many people, especially those who are tend to have more tasks to accomplish every d2012-02-06 编辑:rainbow
[雅思写作辅导] 雅思写作6.5分习得:对于科研,政府和企业谁该投入更多?
Governments are more responsible for scientific research than private companies. To what extend do you agree or disagree? 政府相对于私人公司而言,有责任对科学研究进行更多的投入。你在多大程度上赞同?T2012-02-01 编辑:rainbow
[雅思写作模拟题范文] 雅思写作真题范文:年轻人崇拜明星是好是坏?
Nowadays young people are admiring media and sports stars, even though they do not set a good example. Do you think this is a positive or negative development? 当今的年轻人特别崇拜影剧,音乐与体育界的2012-02-07 编辑:rainbow
[雅思写作辅导] 雅思写作6.5分习得:社会高速机械化是好还是坏?
With the technology developing rapidly, machines are used widely in our lives. To what extent do the advantages of this development outweight its disadvantages? 技术的发展,机器越来越被广泛地运用了。2012-02-07 编辑:rainbow
[雅思预测] 2012年2月9日雅思考试写作预测
(此预测是人人网雅思主页精心原创编写)小作文:应该继续以数据图类为主,着重关注线图和饼图。另外9号作为周四加考,流程图和地图有可能会在本次加考中出现,希望童鞋们也准备下有备无患。大作文:1.Some people2012-02-07 编辑:rainbow
[写作范文] 专八写作四大类之因果篇:(8)
2012-02-08 编辑:jasmine
[写作范文] 专八写作四大类之因果篇:(9)
2012-02-08 编辑:jasmine
[写作范文] 专八写作四大类之二选一篇:(2)
2012-02-16 编辑:jasmine
[雅思写作模拟题范文] 雅思写作范文:A Teacher Being Strict 教不严师之过
As seen in Australia, January 2012Essay question answered by Jeenn Lee Hseh(谢振礼)ielts360toefl@hotmail.comSome people believe that students work better if the teacher is strict; others think it i2012-02-17 编辑:rainbow