[科学阅读] 科普阅读:婚姻影响心脏和腰围
Marriage can have its ups and downs. New research shows that in the first couple years after marriage, women are much more likely than men to gain weight. For men, it's divorce that often leads t2012-01-31 编辑:Richard
[科学阅读] 科普阅读:婚姻影响心脏和腰围
Marriage can have its ups and downs. New research shows that in the first couple years after marriage, women are much more likely than men to gain weight. For men, it's divorce that often leads t2012-01-31 编辑:Richard
[科学美国人技术系列] 60秒科学: 香槟杯的形状会影响气泡的多少
录音原文Champagne. Do you drink it out of a narrow flute or the broader, more shallow coupe?你喝香槟时用细长玻璃杯还是广口浅杯?You may have noticed that your perception of the bubbly wine changed as2012-02-20 编辑:beck
[雅思听力辅导] 影响雅思听力考试成绩的6大因素
雅思听力考试成绩是影响很多考生整体雅思成绩的最大原因,所以大家在备考雅思考试的过程中,一定要对各类影响雅思听力成绩的因素进行详细的分析并进行有针对性的练习。下面我们就来看看这些因素都有哪些吧。 第一2012-04-26 编辑:rainbow
[科学美国人技术系列] 60秒科学:温度影响人的口味
Does an ice-cold drink actually taste better than the same beverage at room temperature? Depends on what its taste is: a new study finds that the intensity of some flavors varies with temperature. Th2012-05-29 编辑:Daisy
[SAT学习经验] SAT语法备考对写作有什么影响?
SAT语法考试部分是被归为写作科目里的,包括了三种题型,都是对句子的组成和形式进行判断和改进,这些句子正是大家写作SAT文章最基础的组成部分,也就是说大家备考SAT语法考试的时候,对写作也是一种基础知识上2012-06-13 编辑:echo
[雅思听力辅导] 影响雅思听力成绩提高的4个小问题
雅思听力成绩提高的影响因素有很多,除了需要在英语语言应用上的准备之外,还有很多的小问题会影响雅思听力成绩。下面新东方网雅思频道就为大家总结了影响雅思听力成绩提高最重要的4个小问题,希望对大家有所帮助。2012-06-14 编辑:rainbow
[健康生活] 健康生活:体重暗示影响"吃多少"
How much food people consume can be influenced by subtle cues about weight that aren't consciously perceived, according to a novel chocolate-tasting study in the journal Appetite.《食欲》(App2012-07-02 编辑:justxrh
[体育新闻] 台湾首例佛化同性恋婚礼:影响几何?
The marriage over the weekend of a Taiwanese lesbian couple in the island's first Buddhist same-sex wedding has sparked debate about just how far Taiwanese society has progressed in its treat2012-08-26 编辑:justxrh
[科技新闻] 小小iPhone能给经济带来大影响
The next iPhone, which Apple Inc. plans to unveil this week, could do something the White House, Congress and Federal Reserve have struggled to do: boost the U.S. economy.苹果公司(Apple Inc.)计划这周2012-09-11 编辑:kekenet
[PBS访谈环境系列] PBS高端访谈:美国社区受应对气候变化计划影响
EFFREY BROWN: There's another big meeting taking place in Washington this week. Native populations from around the&n2012-09-17 编辑:melody
[科技新闻] 富士康工人大罢工,iPhone 5生产受影响
Thousands of workers at Foxconn in China have gone on strike over working conditions related to production of2012-10-07 编辑:spring
[2012年10月ABC News] ABC新闻:移民对世界造成的问题及影响
How does immigration result in the loss of familiar worlds, both for immigrants and for host societies?移民如何造成移民和主流社会熟悉的世2012-10-12 编辑:mike
[PBS访谈教育系列] PBS高端访谈:教师对学生终身收入的影响
JEFFREY BROWN: And finally tonight, putting a price on the value of good teachers. A large and new study2012-11-02 编辑:melody
[每日商务英语] 每日商务英语 第140期:对某事有巨大影响
to bear heavily on something 对某事有巨大影响英文释义 To influence strongly.例句 Excessive costs of transp2012-11-14 编辑:kekenet
[雅思口语辅导] 浅析地域性发音对雅思口语的影响
“Pronunciation”作为雅思口语四大评分标准之一有着举足轻重的作用。相对于流利度、连贯性、词汇和语法,评分标准中对于语音的描述是最少的,甚至九个分数段中有实质性描述的只有四个分数段,其余的分数段也都是以这四个描述为参考来评分。但是,在雅思口语考试必须与考官互动的特定模式下,发音的正确与否,标准与否,最能直接影响到考官对考生的印象和理解。不可否认的是,不论是雅思口语,还是新托福口语,只2012-11-13 编辑:Rainbow
[关注社会] 中国文化曾影响世界,未来也同样可以
Another word for cultural power is "soft power," a subject that has increasingly over recent years challenged Chinese policymakers and thought leaders.2012-12-07 编辑:spring
[VOA词汇大师] 词汇大师第244期:美洲原住民对英语的影响
今天《词汇大师》讨论的是美洲原住民对英语的影响……Native American influence on the English language2013-01-15 编辑:Jasmine
[GRE写作范文] 新GRE issue写作范文:知识的影响
以下是关于新创意的新GRE issue写作范文实例,通过这些GRE写作范文或是习作,考生可以学习一下里面的短语、句子或思路。2013-02-01 编辑:Rainbow
[健康生活] 睡眠不足影响基因,你今天睡饱了吗?
连续几个晚上睡眠过少会扰乱数以百计对身体健康必不可少的基因,包括那些与压力有关以及对抗疾病的基因。2013-02-26 编辑:spring