[CCTV9] 韩国男士爱美不输女性 化妆使人更自信
South Korean men are starting to place more emphasis on their physical appearance, by spending more and more o2012-09-21 编辑:mike
[服饰搭配] 服饰搭配:男人也爱美 男鞋变花哨了
The only shoe dilemma faced by many men used to be deciding between black or brown but now, eye-catching footwear is opening up a brave new world of self-expression. "There are studs, sparkle, p2012-09-22 编辑:justxrh
[六级考试经验] 六级阅读:花哨鞋子揭露男性爱美之心
The only shoe dilemma faced by many men used to be deciding between black or brown but now, eye-catching2012-09-25 编辑:Amosway
[健康幸福] 健康生活:为爱美女性制作绿色减肥果汁
Green Goddess Juice. It's a drink designed to aid detox and slimming.2012-12-10 编辑:qihui
[美容时尚英语] 爱美女性 怎样让双腿看上去更加修长
Lengthen the look of your legs with your attire and show off your bashful thick legs.2013-01-28 编辑:qihui
[美容时尚英语] 天气寒冷 爱美人士如何保持性感时尚(视频+文本)
不要让寒冷的天气把你变得臃肿邋遢。遵循以下建议,不需忍受寒冷,仍可保持靓丽形象。2014-01-22 编辑:qihui
[经典小故事Flash] 经典小故事Flash:爱美的小公鸡
小公鸡真神气,身穿花衣服,头戴小红帽,喔喔,看我多美丽! 一大早,小公鸡起来,看到小蜜蜂2014-06-30 编辑:kekenet
[美容时尚英语] 爱美少女 怎样说服父母让你化妆(视频+文本)
你是否准备开始化妆,而你的父母仍然需要说服?下面的建议或许可以帮到你。2014-06-01 编辑:qihui
[经典英语美文背诵100篇] 经典英语美文背诵100篇(MP3+中英字幕) 第56期:爱美
爱美乃是健全人性不可或缺的一部分。它是道德的一种品质。缺乏这种品质并不能作为责难的真正理由,但是拥有 这种品质则是心灵美好的永恒标志。2015-02-27 编辑:wendy
[常春藤名家散文精选] 常春藤名家散文精选(MP3+中英字幕) 第9期:爱美
The love of beauty is an essential part of all healthy human nature.爱美乃是所有正常的人性中不可或缺的一部分。2015-12-04 编辑:clover