[可可英语晨读] 221 疫情之下,这个行业正在急剧收缩
China’s service sector activity contracted at steepest pace in 2 years in March Activity in China’s service sector contracted at the steepest pace in two years in March as the local surge in coro..2022-04-08 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 221 疫情之下,这个行业正在急剧收缩
China’s service sector activity contracted at steepest pace in 2 years in March Activity in China’s service sector contracted at the steepest pace in two years in March as the local surge in coro..2022-04-08 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 223 为何这个海滨县城新冠死亡率全州最高?
Why This Coastal County Has the Highest Covid Death Rate in Its State Ocean County, a coastal region in central New Jersey, is home to some of the state’s most exclusive waterfront communities an..2022-04-12 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 223 为何这个海滨县城新冠死亡率全州最高?
Why This Coastal County Has the Highest Covid Death Rate in Its State Ocean County, a coastal region in central New Jersey, is home to some of the state’s most exclusive waterfront communities an..2022-04-12 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 225 疫情期做点家务反而更治愈
Puttering around: Why small tasks feel so therapeutic Tidying your desk, watering your plants or folding laundry – these household chores are hardly the height of hedonism. Yet I often find mysel..2022-04-14 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 225 疫情期做点家务反而更治愈
Puttering around: Why small tasks feel so therapeutic Tidying your desk, watering your plants or folding laundry – these household chores are hardly the height of hedonism. Yet I often find mysel..2022-04-14 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 227 囤货恐慌引发冰箱需求暴涨
Shanghai lockdown: freezers in high demand as stockpiling food becomes priority among residents A video of Shanghai residents buying four fridges and moving them from a truck into their community..2022-04-18 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 227 囤货恐慌引发冰箱需求暴涨
Shanghai lockdown: freezers in high demand as stockpiling food becomes priority among residents A video of Shanghai residents buying four fridges and moving them from a truck into their community..2022-04-18 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 228 CNN:听这类音乐能够提升记忆力
What music reveals about our minds Music is a powerful tool to access information about ourselves. Two recent studies are offering new insights into how our favorite tunes are linked to memories ..2022-04-19 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 228 CNN:听这类音乐能够提升记忆力
What music reveals about our minds Music is a powerful tool to access information about ourselves. Two recent studies are offering new insights into how our favorite tunes are linked to memories ..2022-04-19 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语口语] 口语022-听说有些上海老外已经熟练掌握团购抢菜了
今天在#学习 栏目中,我们来聊聊“热词翻译”,Let's talk about “Translation of Hot Words” in today’s program.2022-04-30 编辑:lulu
[可可英语晨读] 237 如果没有疫情,你会去旅游吗?
As China's travel chill deepens, tourist-starved regions struggle to get by As China's domestic tourism unravels, desperate provinces are slashing ticket prices, offering tax breaks and e..2022-05-02 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 237 如果没有疫情,你会去旅游吗?
As China's travel chill deepens, tourist-starved regions struggle to get by As China's domestic tourism unravels, desperate provinces are slashing ticket prices, offering tax breaks and e..2022-05-02 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 238 她放弃百万年薪,成为中国首位女舰长
Chinese navy names its first woman captain of a warship The Chinese navy has appointed its first woman commander to one of its warships. Wei Huixiao, the captain of the guided-missile destroye..2022-05-03 编辑:kekechendu
[可可英语晨读] 238 她放弃百万年薪,成为中国首位女舰长
Chinese navy names its first woman captain of a warship The Chinese navy has appointed its first woman commander to one of its warships. Wei Huixiao, the captain of the guided-missile destroye..2022-05-03 编辑:kekechendu
[热点资讯传送门] 五一假期期间 北京餐厅暂停堂食
在“五一”期间,川菜馆眉州东坡根据禁止堂食的政策,对其服务进行了调整2022-05-02 编辑:max
[热点资讯传送门] 受疫情影响 五一档票房惨淡
作为一个与电影,尤其是中国新上映电影,紧密联系在一起的假期,许多人对今年“五一”假期票房的回升抱有很高的期望2022-05-05 编辑:max
[时事热搜榜] 北京各区加强疫情防控工作
自4月22日以来,北京此轮新冠疫情的感染人数已超过2020年新发地批发市场疫情的总感染人数2022-05-05 编辑:max
[英文小酒馆] 第335期:疫情三年,“悲惨指数” 升了多少?
The word Stagflation is a combination of stagnation and inflation.2022-05-18 编辑:sophie
[可可英语晨读] 253 全球警报!猴痘来袭,我们应该担忧吗?
How concerned should we be about monkey pox? Global health officials have sounded the alarm over rising cases in Europe and elsewhere of monkey pox, a type of viral infection more common to west ..2022-05-24 编辑:kekechendu