[开心一笑] Silly Doctor蠢医生
A man went to see his doctor有一名男子去看他的医生,2015-03-28 编辑:alice
[开心一笑] Heart Transplant心脏移植2
A man needing a heart transplant is told by his doctor that the only heart available is that of a sheep .有一名需要心脏移植的男子被他的医生告知,唯一可用的心脏就是一只羊的心脏。2015-03-29 编辑:alice
[开心一笑] Three Doctors 三个医生
Three doctor are in the duck blind and bird flies overhead.三名医生藏身在观察野鸭的隐蔽处,有一只鸟从头上飞过。2015-03-30 编辑:alice
[开心一笑] Bank Robbery 银行抢劫
Two accountants are in a bank ,当武装捻匪突然冲进银行的时候。2015-03-31 编辑:alice
[开心一笑] Smaller Fish 小鱼
Two men were in a restaurant and order fish,有两名男子在餐厅点鱼。2015-04-01 编辑:alice
[开心一笑] Exchange Sandwiches 交换三明治
Two attorneys went into a diner and ordered two drinks.有两位律师走进一家小餐厅。点了两份饮料。2015-04-02 编辑:alice
[开心一笑] Idiot Teacher白痴老师
If there are any idiots in the room,will they please stand up?" said the sarcastic teacher .喜爱挖苦人的老师说:“如果在这间教室里面有白痴,就请站起来好吗?”。2015-04-03 编辑:alice
[开心一笑] A drunk醉汉
A police officer pulls over a guy who has been weaving in and out of the lanes.有一位警官把一个在车道上穿进穿出,迂回蛇行的男子拦到路边。2015-04-04 编辑:alice
[开心一笑] Apprehending Criminals逮捕罪犯
The Los Angeles Police Department,the FBI,and the CIA are all trying to prove that they are the best at apprehending criminals.洛杉矶警察局、联邦调查局和中央情报局,都想要证明他们最会逮捕罪犯。2015-04-05 编辑:alice
[开心一笑] Beef Sandwich牛肉三明治
A man went into a deli shop and took a seat at the lunch counter.有一名男子走近一家熟食店,在吃午餐的柜台旁选了一个位置。2015-04-06 编辑:alice
[开心一笑] Lawyer’s Advice 律师的忠告
A doctor and a lawyer were attending a cocktail party when the doctor was approached by a man who asked advice on how to hanle his ulcer.有一位医生和一位律师出席一场鸡尾酒会,当时有一名男子走近这位医生询问有关如何处理他的溃疡的忠告。2015-04-07 编辑:alice
[开心一笑] A Materialistic Lawyer 唯物主义的律师
A lawyer opened the door of his BMW,有一位律师打开他的 BMW 座车车门,2015-04-08 编辑:alice
[开心一笑] Angry Mummy Bear鐢熸皵鐨勭唺濡堝?
Angry Mummy Bear生气的熊妈妈2015-03-02 编辑:alice
[开心一笑] 双语幽默笑话 第1期:A True Confession真实的告解
A man walks into a confession booth and says,"I have sinned."有一个男人走进告解室说:“我犯罪了”。2015-03-01 编辑:alice
[开心一笑] 双语笑话 第40期:肉商与律师
A dog ran into a butcher and grabbed a roast off the counter.有一只狗,跑进一家肉店把一块烤肉从台子上抢走。2015-04-09 编辑:alice
[开心一笑] 双语笑话 第41期:律师的儿子
The lawyer's son wanted to follow in his father's footsteps,律师的儿子想要继承他老爸的衣钵,2015-04-10 编辑:alice
[开心一笑] 双语笑话 第42期:聪明的目击人
The lawyer's son wanted to follow in his father's footsteps,律师的儿子想要继承他老爸的衣钵,2015-04-11 编辑:alice
[开心一笑] 双语笑话 第42期:接听熨斗
A guy walks into his office ,and both of his ears are all bandaged up.有一个人走进他的办公室,他的两个耳朵都包扎了绷带。2015-04-12 编辑:alice
[开心一笑] 双语笑话 第43期:糟糕的上班日
A man joined a big multinational company as a trainee.有一名男子加入一家大型跨国。公司接受训练。2015-04-13 编辑:alice
[开心一笑] 双语笑话 第44期:骗子
A wife went to the police station with her next-door neighbor to report that her husband was missing.老婆与隔壁邻居到警察局报案 说她的老公失踪了。2015-04-14 编辑:alice