[SAT阅读辅导] SAT阅读材料之美国大选
最近一直备受关注的时事新闻就是美国大选了。平时多关注和积累相关的时事新闻对于积累SAT阅读素材也是非常重要的。今天就为大家整理了SAT阅读素材——美国大选最后一场辩论,供备考中的考生们参考。The final presidential debate, by the numbers The presidential debate portion of the campaign program i..2012-11-23 编辑:melody
[雅思写作模拟题范文] 雅思写作TASK2之实例范文
There is an issue of what are the purposes of the places like museums. Some people suggest that the government should invest a small amount of money; others think the museum is a financial burden to..2013-04-10 编辑:phoenix
[] 雅思备考之两类中心词解析
1970-01-01 编辑:
[三国演义故事Flash] 和氏之璧(三国故事)
和氏之璧(三国故事)2014-06-07 编辑:kekenet