[恋爱物语] 认真倾听 有效防止伴侣向你发火
How can I stop my spouse from yelling at me?怎样才能制止配偶向我大喊大叫呢?What do you do if your partner is yelling at2012-11-20 编辑:qihui
[美容时尚英语] 天气寒冷 怎样防止感冒疮出现
Step 1 Wash hands1.洗手Wash your hands frequently with antibacterial soap.经常使用抗菌香皂洗手。Step 2 Avoid cold sores2.避免传染Stay away fro2012-11-21 编辑:qihui
[户外达人] 外出野营 防止动物觊觎你的食物
Getting back to nature can be an incredibly rewarding experience2012-12-06 编辑:qihui
[美容时尚英语] 怎样永葆青春 有效防止皱纹出现
Protect your skin from sun damage every single day, year-round...2012-12-05 编辑:qihui
[健康幸福] 简单方法防止面部出汗 避免尴尬局面
Facial sweating can seem like one of the most difficult places on the body to treat.2012-12-17 编辑:qihui
[健康幸福] 急救小妙招:防止晕厥病人摔倒
We show you how to help someone who has lost their balance due to a feeling of faintness.2012-12-24 编辑:qihui
[健康幸福] 放松心情 防止由于压力引发的脱发
Ever wonder how to prevent hair loss? This video not only helps you prevent hair loss, but to actually gain back hair that was previously lost.2013-01-02 编辑:qihui
[创意生活] 冬季天气干燥 怎样防止静电危害
Reduce your chances of getting a nasty shock that's not just annoying, but potentially dangerous.2013-01-24 编辑:qihui
[快乐职场] 小小伎俩 防止同事偷你的食物
Tired of your co-workers stealing your food from the office fridge?2013-02-24 编辑:qihui
[科技] VOA视频:防止私人信息泄露的基本方法
最近揭露出美国大量监控电话及网络通讯记录的事实,这引起了许多技术层次的疑问,其中包括如何使海量数据的筛选成为可能等等。而事实上,政府收集的仅仅是所谓的“元数据”。美国之声记者乔治·蒲提科将为我们进行解释。2013-06-24 编辑:Andersen
[地道美语播客(慢速版)] 地道美语听力播客:防止入店行窃
路易斯:就是这样才到处都有监控摄像头和保安?塞尔玛:在你离开的时候,我们对重新设计这家店,引入了防盗系统2014-06-30 编辑:mike
[地道美语播客(常速版)] 地道美语听力播客:防止入店行窃
路易斯:就是这样才到处都有监控摄像头和保安?塞尔玛:在你离开的时候,我们对重新设计这家店,引入了防盗系统2014-06-30 编辑:mike